Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 288
1. Покращення стійкості лісів та їх адаптації до зміни клімату
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Research and development
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
R&D project, which aim is to work out the complex method of defining selected forest stand descriptions as well as aboveground biomass and carbon sequestration, based on the use of remote sensing for the purposes of forest management planning.
3. Активізація приватних власників та кооперативне ведення лісового господарства
Inventory, monitoring
Ownership, cooperation
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
Virtual forest is an application, which can be used in participatory planning of land use, guidance of forest owners and for combining interests of different stakeholder groups concerning utilization of natural resources and areas.
5. Посиленння економічної та екологічної ефективності ланцюжків поставок лісу
Products, markets, trade
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Education and training
Smart machinery, equipment
Digital solution
HiVision is the industry leading innovative digitalisation solution that provides individual crane operators with vision to safely carry out any loading job without having to leave the truck cabin.
5. Посиленння економічної та екологічної ефективності ланцюжків поставок лісу
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
Forest and Wood 4.0 - the forest cluster becomes smart
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Research and development
Ukrainian start-up produces sustainable paper products from fallen leaves
3. Активізація приватних власників та кооперативне ведення лісового господарства
Ownership, cooperation
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Grouping of continuous forest areas to enhance the involvement and motivation of forest owners, and the recognition of the advantages of proper forest management.
Products, markets, trade
Wood energy industry
A new high quality woody biofuel
1. Покращення стійкості лісів та їх адаптації до зміни клімату
Inventory, monitoring
Research and development
Climafor is a method and a software under development that allows the comparison of carbon balances from two silvicultural itineraries. It takes into account carbon sequestration in the forest, storage in wood products and the substitution effects generated by the use of wood (material or energy).
Inventory, monitoring
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
Establish a supply chain for green wastes, combined with the relevant business model, which will secure its sustainability. The supply chain will be customized according to the wastes that are available from both sides of the border and the business model will be adapted to the specific local conditions
5. Посиленння економічної та екологічної ефективності ланцюжків поставок лісу
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Smart machinery, equipment
Digital solution
Digital solutions designed for more efficient forest workers and stakeholders
7. Підвищення рівня інформованості громадськості, соціального визнання і політичної підтримки лісового господарства
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Wood construction industry
Education and training
Awareness, educational campaigns
Digital solution
Marketing campaign, demand promotion for Swiss Wood through targeted advertising measures (lifelike wooden figures of famous Swiss people, TV-Spots, billboards, documentary film, press releases and events throughout Switzerland).
1. Покращення стійкості лісів та їх адаптації до зміни клімату
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
A lack of forest site information in Styria asks for a new approach to forest site classification and mapping. In this project the forest site classification will be based on a GIS-based geo-ecological stratification model.
2. Покращення інфраструктур та спроможності державних інституцій
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Networks, testbeds, R&D platforms
Digital solution
LignoSilva is Centre of Excellence of the National Forest Centre in cooperation with the Pulp and Paper Institute with a focus on research and innovation in the field of production, mechanical and chemical processing and use wood utilization, strongly committed to demonstrate innovative digitalization technologies.
5. Посиленння економічної та екологічної ефективності ланцюжків поставок лісу
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Traceability tools
Digital solution
Timflow, the wood traceability monitoring system developed by HS Timber Group and implemented for all timber factories in Romania in April 2017
2. Покращення інфраструктур та спроможності державних інституцій
Inventory, monitoring
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
Data warehouse collecting, processing and sharing information concerning forests of all ownership forms in Poland. Data Bank provides both descriptive and geo-referenced spatial data, through web portal and mobile app.