Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 325
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
The project’s general objective is to support the exchange of best practice and the development of skills of forest managers and other personnel working in forests within Natura 2000 sites in Greece.
6. Creșterea bioeconomiei forestiere prin utilizarea circulară și produse cu valoare adăugată
Inventory, monitoring
Products, markets, trade
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Networks, testbeds, R&D platforms
Digital solution
DigiWood own products, with the family name Nexum, are focused on facilitating traceability from timberlog to board or finished end customer product, integration of existing hardware and software and products for analysis of all collected data.
1. Îmbunătățirea rezilienței pădurilor și adaptarea la schimbările climatice
Inventory, monitoring
Forest disturbances, risks
Research and development
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
Precision forestry service that with the help of RGB and multispectral images from drones, airplanes, helicopters or satellites can detect bark beetle infected or stressed trees.
4. Asigurarea unei forțe de muncă bine pregătite prin dezvoltarea unor competențe atractive și prin educație
Education and training
Independent organisation which aims to motivate and encourage women at all ages to participate and engage at all levels in forestry.
3. Activarea proprietarilor privați și a cooperativelor de gestionare a pădurilor
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Financing, funding schemes
When selling timber or biofuels, the forest owner is required by law to set aside 4-40% of the income to the forestry fund to ensure finances for sustainable management of the forest. The money set aside is not considered as an income and therefore not taxed, and the money belongs to the forest property.
4. Asigurarea unei forțe de muncă bine pregătite prin dezvoltarea unor competențe atractive și prin educație
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Education and training
Training, educational actions
Digital solution
The learning effect increases for both observers and operators when seeing their work from a new angle, providing an opportunity for safe observation of pupils at work
4. Asigurarea unei forțe de muncă bine pregătite prin dezvoltarea unor competențe atractive și prin educație
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Education and training
eLearning, blended learning
Digital solution
The learning effect increases for both observers and operators when seeing their work from a new angle, providing an opportunity for safe observation of pupils at work
4. Asigurarea unei forțe de muncă bine pregătite prin dezvoltarea unor competențe atractive și prin educație
Education and training
Training, educational actions
Digital solution
E-learning platform for multiple levels of foresters/forest owners developed in collaboration between various forest organisations. 
3. Activarea proprietarilor privați și a cooperativelor de gestionare a pădurilor
Inventory, monitoring
A systematic sample-based survey of the Norwegian forest, providing vital resource and environmental data for the whole country. It records information about growing stock and annual increment, and operating and environmental conditions.
4. Asigurarea unei forțe de muncă bine pregătite prin dezvoltarea unor competențe atractive și prin educație
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Education and training
eLearning, blended learning
Digital solution
Norwegian forestry's joint activities for courses for the industry and for disseminating knowledge about forestry to schools.
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
Metsää provides eServices for forest owners and forestry service providers. The online application shows the silvicultural possibilities of each forest estate and their compartments. 
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
Interactive forest map for NRW with information on the type, condition, functions and use of the forest, and many aspects on climate change and adaptation.
5. Îmbunătățirea performanțelor economice și de mediu ale lanțurilor de aprovizionare cu păduri
Inventory, monitoring
Smart machinery, equipment
Digital solution
Wood piles of any size can be measured easily from your smartphone.
1. Îmbunătățirea rezilienței pădurilor și adaptarea la schimbările climatice
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
Comparison of silvicultural treatment concepts by simulating forest growth processes on the smartphone.
2. Îmbunătățirea infrastructurilor și a capacității actorilor publici
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
Mounted at the towing hitch, sensor values are collected and the road quality of unpaved, single lane roads gets assesd. Ultrasonic sensors (cross section scan of a road segment) acceleration sensors to assess the longitudinal roughness and a GPS sensor for locatiion.