Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 288
4. Zabezpečiť dobre vyškolenú pracovnú silu prostredníctvom atraktívneho rozvoja zručností a vzdelávania
Education and training
Training, educational actions
Digital solution
E-learning platform for multiple levels of foresters/forest owners developed in collaboration between various forest organisations. 
3. Aktivizácia súkromných vlastníkov a družstevného obhospodarovania lesov
Inventory, monitoring
A systematic sample-based survey of the Norwegian forest, providing vital resource and environmental data for the whole country. It records information about growing stock and annual increment, and operating and environmental conditions.
4. Zabezpečiť dobre vyškolenú pracovnú silu prostredníctvom atraktívneho rozvoja zručností a vzdelávania
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Education and training
eLearning, blended learning
Digital solution
Norwegian forestry's joint activities for courses for the industry and for disseminating knowledge about forestry to schools.
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
Metsää provides eServices for forest owners and forestry service providers. The online application shows the silvicultural possibilities of each forest estate and their compartments. 
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
Interactive forest map for NRW with information on the type, condition, functions and use of the forest, and many aspects on climate change and adaptation.
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Inventory, monitoring
Smart machinery, equipment
Digital solution
Wood piles of any size can be measured easily from your smartphone.
1. Zlepšenie odolnosti lesov a adaptácie na zmenu klímy
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
Comparison of silvicultural treatment concepts by simulating forest growth processes on the smartphone.
2. Zlepšiť infraštruktúru a kapacity verejných aktérov
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
Mounted at the towing hitch, sensor values are collected and the road quality of unpaved, single lane roads gets assesd. Ultrasonic sensors (cross section scan of a road segment) acceleration sensors to assess the longitudinal roughness and a GPS sensor for locatiion. 
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Smart machinery, equipment
Digital solution
Digital solution for forestry data collection and networking of all actors in the timber process chain. Offline in the outdoor area, comfortable use thanks to voice recording and intuitive operation through a practice-oriented menu navigation in the mobile app and the web application.
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Research and development
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
Single tree detection software uses drone data as the basis for estimating important tree parameters (tree position, height and diameter). Drones offer very precise terrain and inventory data and are very cost-effective.
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
HeProMo is an IT-based tool to predict the costs of timber harvesting scenarios under different aspects such as harvester logging. It allows certain settings to reflect the real situations in the forest. It provides preliminary costing and sensitivity analysis.
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Inventory, monitoring
Education and training
Research and development
Knowledge transfer, education
Digital solution
Comparison of operating results of forestry operation in Switzerland. The network undertakes regular monitoring of many forest enterprises (ca. 30%) and elevates their market situation and a big set of economic data on a yearly basis. 
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Products, markets, trade
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
IT-based simulation (SorSim) for revenue estimation for single trees or tree stands. Modelling of the stem form, height, diameter at breast height (DBH) from tree species.  Supports decision makers in production- and utilization processes.
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Education and training
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
A simple forest growth simulation model for practitioner (Android-App). SiWaWa needs only the number of the stems [N], the basal area per hectare [G] of a certain stand to generate separated the stem distribution curve according to the DBH-classes.
2. Zlepšiť infraštruktúru a kapacity verejných aktérov
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Education and training
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
Forest stand inventory with the aid of the Smartphones capabilities (App). Easy, cheap and reliable tool for determining the most important dendrometer indicators (key figures of tree stands). Suitable for single tree measurement or stand inventories.