Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 288
5. Wzmocnienie ekonomicznego i środowiskowego funkcjonowania leśnych łańcuchów dostaw
Financing, funding schemes
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Grant schemes
Digital solution
Hackathons are a tool to stimulate cross-sectoral innovations of start-ups and students
5. Wzmocnienie ekonomicznego i środowiskowego funkcjonowania leśnych łańcuchów dostaw
Products, markets, trade
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Italy’s national consortium for the collection, recovery and recycling of wood packaging is a dynamic group of 2,000 companies, which transform wood, produce packaging, supply and import semi-finished packaging. The voluntary members include recycling companies, producers of boards, pulp, blocks, panels and pallets. The large network enables a competitive recycling market of up to 2 million tons of collected material annually.
3. Aktywizacja prywatnych właścicieli lasu i kooperacyjne zarządzanie lasami
Forest land consolidations can enhance the land ownership structure of small-scale private forests and reactivate the forest use.
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Traceability tools
Digital solution
6. Rozwój biogospodarki opartej o zasoby leśne poprzez cyrkulane zużycie materiałów i produkty o wysokiej wartości dodanej
Products, markets, trade
Traceability tools
Digital solution
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Joint management
Digital solution
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Joint management
Digital solution
Products, markets, trade
Research and development
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Marketing platforms
Digital solution
A digital platform for the timber market
Inventory, monitoring
Forest disturbances, risks
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
The project aims at improving the use of the rural road network in case of emergency, especially forest fires. ​
Forest disturbances, risks
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
Study the consumption of fuelwood by households in Greece and, by doing so, to lay down the foundations for the development of the first Greek Forest Sector Model (GFSM), which will be a partial-equilibrium model of the forest sector. 
1. Poprawa odporności lasu i adaptacja do zmian klimatu
Forest disturbances, risks
Traceability tools
Digital solution
SAFERS mission is to support societies becoming more resilient across the key phases of the forests fires emergency management cycle
6. Rozwój biogospodarki opartej o zasoby leśne poprzez cyrkulane zużycie materiałów i produkty o wysokiej wartości dodanej
Products, markets, trade
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Wood energy industry
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
The  project supports market uptake of three types of IBCs by developing feedstock mobilisation strategies, improved cost-effective logistics and trade centres. The investigated IBCs include pyrolysis oil, torrefied biomass and microbial oil.
Inventory, monitoring
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
Establish a supply chain for green wastes, combined with the relevant business model, which will secure its sustainability. The supply chain will be customized according to the wastes that are available from both sides of the border and the business model will be adapted to the specific local conditions.
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
PROFORBIOMED was a strategic MED project under the transnational European Territorial Cooperation programme. Its main objective was the promotion of  renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, as an economic and social opportunity for rural areas, through energy use of forest residues and agricultural biomass
5. Wzmocnienie ekonomicznego i środowiskowego funkcjonowania leśnych łańcuchów dostaw
Products, markets, trade
Wood energy industry
Financing, funding schemes
Grant schemes
Digital solution
SecureChain was a Horizon 2020 project, which focused on promoting market uptake of bioenergy in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using an innovation voucher scheme