Ukrainian forest protection

Ukrainian forest protection UFP

Combining the capabilities of the Geoportal "Forests of Ukraine" and the mobile application UFP for collecting data in the forest on the outbreaks of pests or diseases and its diagnostics and monitoring. App aimed at professional foresters.

Mobile app Ukrainian Forest Protection for smartphones based on Android OS.

The app uses mobile devices for collection of data about pests and diseases. It has several levels of use:

  • at first forestry specialists collect data about discovered cases
  • this data is synchronized at all mobile devices of the enterprise and enters the database of "Forests of Ukraine" Geoportal
  • furthermore, other forest specialists can review the information about the pest and disease cases, discovered in the forest enterprise
  • if needed, the damaged area can be found in the field using the built-in GPS receiver, then verified or deleted. 

For the diagnostics of the damaged area, the built-in digital handbook can be used, which includes information about all pests and diseases found in the forests of Ukraine, structured with the visual materials, data on diagnostic features and protection/management measures.

After introduction of any of changes in the app, all the information become accessible at the "Forests of Ukraine" Geoportal, which allows to:

  • print out reports for the enterprise level and regional level,
  • review of identified and verified cases on the map,
  • see the dynamics by pest and disease types, by the time,
  • define and identify the location, distribution features and development of pathological processes in the forests of Ukraine.
Główna kategoria
Inwentaryzacja, ocena, monitoring zasobów
Zarządzanie lasem, gospodarka leśna, usługi ekosystemowe, odporność
Zaburzenia ekosystemów leśnych, ryzyka, reagowanie na klęski i katastrofy
Słowa kluczowe
pests and diseases mobile app data management
1. Poprawa odporności lasu i adaptacja do zmian klimatu
Rodzaj rozwiązania
Platformy z danymi, centra danych, otwarte dane
Rozwiązanie cyfrowe
Kraj pochodzenia
Skala aplikacji
Rok rozpoczęcia i zakończenia
2019 -
Dane kontaktowe
Właściciel lub twórca
Osoba przygotowująca fiszkę
Lesya Loyko
Źródła i materiały
Video review of selected possibilities of the system