LogistiCIPlus | Advanced logistics applied to the biomass sector

LogistiCIPlus | Advanced logistics applied to the biomass sector

Logistica ad alta eco-efficienza
High efficiency along the woodchips supply chain thanks to continuous measurement of fuel consumption and productivity
Experimental forest site

LogistiCIPlus concerns the improvement of the efficiency of the energy balance and the containment of climate-altering gas emissions in the production of energy from woody biofuels derived from forest biomass, through the containment of energy inputs from traditional fuels in the transformation and transport processes of biomass and biofuels, as well as with the introduction of innovative technologies and methods of production, management, traceability and marketing. Strengthening wood biofuel producers from an economic, organizational, qualitative and environmental point of view is of considerable importance in order to increase the professionalism of the supply chain and ensure maximum traceability of products and transparency towards consumers. The project provides for the adoption of a tool to support the traceability and assessment of the environmental sustainability of woody biofuels based on the ISO 17225 and UNI EN 15234 certification scheme as well as on the specifications relating to the different types of solid biofuel (in particular ISO 17225-4 and UNI EN 15234-4 for wood chips).

The  activity aims to give strong support to the companies involved in the project in obtaining a certification capable of guaranteeing traceability, environmental and qualitative sustainability for the biofuels produced through tools to support the management of logistics for obtaining the raw material to produce wood chips, handling and treatment of the finished product. The goal is to lay the concrete foundations for improving efficiency in the organization of biomass collection and transformation sites and consequently significantly reduce CO2 emissions and other climate-altering gases produced during the phases of obtaining the raw material, handling, processing and marketing of woody biofuels. The activities lead to the recruitment and improvement of practices useful to companies to ensure the monitoring of material flows within the construction sites and logistic centers of the company, as well as certified information regarding the environmental impact of the company in producing biofuel.

Region of origin
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
logistic; efficiency; woodchips
Challenge addressed
5.- Enhance economic and environmental performance of forest supply chains
Digital solution
Country of origin
Region of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
2018 - 2021
Contact data
Owner or author
Veronica Barbiero
Andrea Argnani
References and Resources
Project reference
PSR PAT Mis. 16
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood 4.0