Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 288
2. Förbättra infrastruktur och kapacitet hos offentliga aktörer
Digitalisation of fieldwork data collection
Inventory, monitoring
Smart machinery, equipment
Digital solution
8. Andra
Information support for game management in Slovenia
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
4. Säkerställa en välutbildad arbetskraft genom attraktiv kompetensutveckling och utbildning
Innovative educational programmes in the field of sustainable forest management and forestry work in Croatia supported through European cooperation.
Education and training
eLearning, blended learning
Digital solution
2. Förbättra infrastruktur och kapacitet hos offentliga aktörer
Public data of forest in the form of application, contains overview of data about state and privately owned forests.
Education and training
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
1. Förbättra skogens motståndskraft och anpassning till klimatförändringar
Digitalized Groundwater Measuring Station System contains information about the movement of water which is very important for oak and other native species in forests. 
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
1. Förbättra skogens motståndskraft och anpassning till klimatförändringar
DecectIT is forest fire detection device which detects fire by using different sensors and sends nottification to the application.
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
3. Aktivera privata ägare och kooperativ skogsförvaltning
WAVE ŠŠ is aplication which contains information for the employees of forestry sector, licensed contractors and forest owners.
Ownership, cooperation
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
5. Förbättra ekonomisk och miljömässig prestanda för skogsförsörjningskedjor
Online database of wood processing and furniture production in Croatia, connects stakeholders in wood industry value chain. 
Products, markets, trade
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
7. Öka allmänhetens medvetenhet, sociala acceptans och politiskta stöd för skogsbruket.
Green City cadastre is application which contains a list of trees on a specific area i.e. towns.
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Urban planning
Grad Zagreb
Osjecko-baranjska županija
Digital solution