Waldinfo.NRW | Forest information system of NRW, Germany

Waldinfo.NRW | Forest information system of NRW, Germany

Waldinformationssystem NRW
Information platform on forests in NRW incl. interactive digital maps on forest cover, ecology, geology, types of use and calamities.

The internet portal Waldinfo.NRW offers comprehensive public information on the forests in North Rhine-Westphalia, their diverse functions and sustainable management. This primarily includes digital maps on various aspects of forests, forest management and the use of forests by the public. The topics covered by the various maps range from forest cover and forest ecology, forest management and forest nature conservation to recreational use, danger prevention and forest administration. The information provided is intended in particular to support forest owners in the adaptation of forest management to climate change. This also includes forest regeneration on the current large damaged areas. The selection of maps and the design of the user interface provide user-friendly access to the specialist information. The portal also refers to selected important specialist publications of the State Forestry Administration and further websites of the State Administration. The internet portal Waldinfo.NRW is an important component of the NRW Forest Information System and the NRW Forest Climate Adaptation Strategy. The digital offer of public forest information also corresponds to the Open Data process in North Rhine-Westphalia (Open.NRW).

Region of origin
Mobilization Potential
High, through public, user-friendly, easily accessible information about the site conditions of forest areas in NRW. For forest owners or forestry contractors, fact-based forest management or planning of harvesting operations are supported.
Kind of wood concerned
All types of wood
Sustainability Potential
Data-based local, site-specific and individual support for sustainable forest management.
Impact on environment & biodiversity

The included map-based information on soil conditions, meteorological data, climate scenarios have been interlinked with the Reforestation Concept and the Forest Management Concept of the state NRW. Increasing biodiversity and forest resilience by introducing mixed, multi-cohort forest stands is at the core of these concepts which are based on specific, locally site-adapted "forest development types". The platform is public, available also on mobile devices and user friendly. The usability is constantly tested and improved.

Ease of implementation
The difficulty lies in the (public) availability of the different databases and the cooperation of the services behind them.
Specific knowledge needed
Integration of geoinformation, geological and meteorological services, forest management & development, ecology
Exploitation potential

Cost-free public service

Key prerequisites

The platform is based on the Open Data NRW strategy and draws significantly on the broad availability of geological data provided by the Geological Service North-Rhine Westphalia. The promotion of geoinformation data and their public availability in NRW has a longstanding tradition. In addition, the collboration of these public stakeholders (IT NRW, Geological Service NRW, State Enterprise Forest and Timber NRW) has been actively developed over many years.

Inventory, monitoring
Challenge addressed
1.- Improve forest resilience and adaption to climate change
Type of solution
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
Country of origin
Region of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
Contact data
Owner or author
Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW
Marie-Charlotte Hoffmann, Elke Hübner-Tennhoff
References and Resources
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood 4.0