UNILIN panels | Furniture boards produced from recovered wood

UNILIN panels | Furniture boards produced from recovered wood

Post-consumer wood from urban areas is collected, cleaned and processed in high tech recycling plants to re-convert into viable raw material for quality board products for furniture and interior use.

UNILIN represents one of the most advanced recycling systems for valorizing post-consumer wood waste streams on large industrial scale. It relies on an established collection system and supplier network. Cascading wood reduces the need for fresh roundwood and prolongs the carbon capture. Particle boards from recovered wood are a prime case for Circular Economy in the sector. Highlights of innovative features :

  • Large investments in high tech sorting and cleaning equipment enables the processing of huge volumes of demolition and urban waste: up to 1 million tons are recycled into panels per year.
  • Chipboards are produced with up to 90% recycled wood.
  • To offset carbon emissions, factories are powered 70-90% by renewable energy from wood waste that cannot be recycled.
  • Partnerships with a large supplier network including container parks, demolition firms, packaging and furniture industries ensure the recovery of large wood volumes that are no longer usable for other processes.
Returträ eller träavfall
Vedens ursprung
Huvud domän
Skogindustri, bio/cirkulär ekonomi
recovered wood; waste wood; recycling; wood-based panels
Utmaning som adresseras
6. Odla den skogsbaserade bioekonomin genom cirkulär användning och mervärdesprodukter
Type av lösning
Cirkulära, biobaserade produkter
Digital lösning
Start och slutår
Kontakt informasion
Ägare eller författare
InnovaWood asbl
Uwe Kies
References and Resources
WoodCircus - Horizon 2020 no. 820892, 2018-2021
UNILIN good practice factsheet
Projekt som detta factsheet skapats inom
Rosewood 4.0