Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 325
5. Mejorar el rendimiento económico y medioambiental de las cadenas de suministro forestal
Online marketing platform for local/regional wood supply chain.
Products, markets, trade
Marketing platforms
Digital solution
1. Mejorar la resistencia y la adaptación de los bosques al cambio climático
Combining the capabilities of the Geoportal "Forests of Ukraine" and the mobile application UFP for collecting data in the forest on the outbreaks of pests or diseases and its diagnostics and monitoring. App aimed at professional foresters.
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Forest disturbances, risks
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
7. Aumentar la conciencia pública, la aceptación social y el apoyo político a la silvicultura
The main wood construction reference book for planners, builders and all other wood construction fans.
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Wood construction industry
Awareness, educational campaigns
Digital solution
1. Mejorar la resistencia y la adaptación de los bosques al cambio climático
Comprehensive monitoring method of a large forest area with the use of innovative techniques and data.
Inventory, monitoring
Data platforms, data hubs
Digital solution
1. Mejorar la resistencia y la adaptación de los bosques al cambio climático
The aim of the WAMBAF and WAMBAF ToolBox projects was to determine the methods and tools of water management in forests, which would influence the quality of water flowing into the Balitc Sea.
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
5. Mejorar el rendimiento económico y medioambiental de las cadenas de suministro forestal
Mistra Digital Forest is a research program focusing on digitalisation in forestry. We take advantage of the opportunities of digitalisation for forestry, and through this we contribute to the transformation of our society into a circular bioeconomy. The vision of the programme is to create digital solutions for a sustainable and efficient forest bioeconomy.
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Networks, testbeds, R&D platforms
Digital solution
5. Mejorar el rendimiento económico y medioambiental de las cadenas de suministro forestal
Digital transformation of the value chain from the forest to the processing industry
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Research and development
Networks, testbeds, R&D platforms
Digital solution
3. Activar a los propietarios privados y la gestión forestal cooperativa
SIMWOOD Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood
Large wood potential remains 'locked' in European forests that belong to an estimated 16 million private forest owners. The SIMWOOD project aimed to mobilise these owners, promote collaborative forest management and ensure sustainable forest functions.
Ownership, cooperation
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
6. Hacer crecer la bioeconomía forestal mediante el uso circular y los productos de valor añadido
BASAJAUN Southern demo building in France (UNStudio concept)
Wood construction chains can be optimized to foster both rural development and urban transformation whilst being connected with sustainable forest management in Europe. Two full-scale medium-sized demo buildings are being constructed in Finland and France to integrate various innovative materials, products and components.
Wood construction industry
Networks, testbeds, R&D platforms
Digital solution