CROSS Harmonization & HPC modelization of FOREST Datasets
Cross-Forest is developing a common platform for open forest data, and a cross-border data model (ontology) shared between Portugal and Spain, for the publication of forest inventories, maps and other forest databases in Linked Open Data format (LOD). Cross-Forest will provide a public endpoint exposing Forest Data, according to the produced model. The main goal is focused on keeping forest information always available and updated, to make exploitation easier for all stakeholders involved in forest management and research.
Two use cases are being developed:
CAMBRIC - to estimate the evolution of forests and wood quality, under different management scenarios
FRAME - to predict forest fires behavior and spreading through precise information on combustible materials, forestry maps and propagation models.
High Performance Computing (HPC) resources are employed due to the amount of data generated and managed, and to the complexity of the models.
Results so far show the usefulness and versatility provided by LOD technology, as It allows users to freely access and manage updated data to develop tools adapted to their needs and purposes. Publishing data as LOD allows Public Administrations to easily fulfil their requirements of transparence and publicity, optimize resources and keep a statistic control of the use of public data.
Very high as it will help to protect forests from fires for its best management.
The results obtained so far demonstrate the usefulness and versatility provided by LOD technology, as it allows users to freely access and manage up-to-date data to develop tools adapted to their needs and purposes.
LOD technology allows for the modular and interconnected construction of an open, public and quality information infrastructure available to the sector. The continuity of this type of publication allows public administrations to meet their transparency obligations, optimise resources and keep statistical control of the use made of the information.
The technology is already developed, the requirements are similar to those necessary for the use of any other similar software.