Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 288
Education and training
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Education and training
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
6. Rozvoj lesného biohospodárstva prostredníctvom obehového využívania a produktov s pridanou hodnotou
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of new products, improve technological processes and strengthen competitiveness of the economy through increased investment and capacity for research, development and innovation.
Research and development
Medimurska županija
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Medimurska županija
6. Rozvoj lesného biohospodárstva prostredníctvom obehového využívania a produktov s pridanou hodnotou
The Forest Biomass Laboratory is designed to meet scientific needs of the Faculty staff, educational needs of its students and to be at the disposal of economic entities, i.e. to offer its services on the market.
Wood energy industry
Grad Zagreb
7. Zvyšovanie povedomia verejnosti, spoločenskej akceptácie a politickej podpory lesného hospodárstva
Promotion campaign for boosting the wood image as a material for improved life quality.
Products, markets, trade
6. Rozvoj lesného biohospodárstva prostredníctvom obehového využívania a produktov s pridanou hodnotou
EGGER commissioned in Romania both a recycling facility at the production plant and public waste wood collection points to enable local waste wood flows.
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Wood energy industry
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Wood energy industry
Innovation management, hubs, clusters