3.- Activate private owners and cooperative forest management

Id: 2861876
Continent Code: EU
Country Code: DE
Country Name: Germany
Name: North Rhine-Westphalia
Short description
Waldflurbereinigungen können die Besitzerstruktur von Kleinprivatwald verbessern und so die Waldnutzung reaktivieren. Neuordnung von Waldeigentum als Lösungsansatz für die Kleinparzellierung und inaktive Kleinprivatwaldbesitzer.
Digital solution

Waldgenossenschaften sind eine Form von gemeinschaftlichem Privatwaldbesitz, der allgemein als Gemeinschaftswald bezeichnet wird. Er ist als solcher nicht mit dem Gemeindewald zu verwechseln, der den Wald im Besitz von Gemeinden oder Städten bezeichnet. Gemeinschaftswälder haben in Europa in vielfältigen traditionellen Formen bereits seit Jahrhunderten existiert und haben vielerorts bis in die heutige Zeit überdauert. Das Hauptmerkmal von Gemeinschaftswald im Vergleich zu anderen Formen von Waldbesitz ist, dass der einzelne Eigentümer kein bestimmtes Grundstück einer Waldfläche besitzt, sondern einen ideellen Anteil am Gemeinschaftsvermögen, was mit einem Aktienbesitz vergleichbar ist (Abb. 1).

Auf der Grundlage des Gemeindewaldgesetzes (GWG) in NRW wird in einer speziellen Flurbereinigung im Interesse einer besseren forstlichen Bewirtschaftung oder einer erleichterten Verwaltung ein rechtlicher Zusammenschluss von Gemeindewäldern und privaten Eigentümern zu einer größeren Waldgenossenschaft erzielt, der über die Neuordnung von Flurstücken pro einzelnem Grundeigentümer hinausgeht. Die Vorteile des Zusammenschlusses und der gemeinschaftlichen Waldbewirtschaftung werden dadurch im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Flurbereinigungen erhöht. Verschiedene flankierende Maßnahmen wie Wegebau, waldbauliche Verbesserungen oder Landschaftseingriffe werden einbezogen, um zusätzliche nachhaltige Effekte für die Waldbewirtschaftung zu erzielen. 

In der Modellregion Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) sind Gemeinschaftswälder, die aus altrechtlichen Waldgemeinschaften entstanden sind, eine wichtige Waldbesitzform. Im Gemeinschaftswaldgesetz (GWG) von 1975 wurden diese rechtlich als Waldgenossenschaften vereinheitlicht und neu definiert. In NRW existieren heute 270 Waldgenossenschaften mit rund 42 000 ha und geschätzt 17 500 Waldbesitzern als Anteilseignern. Als regionale Besonderheit ermöglicht es das GWG über ein besonderes Verfahren, welches sich teilweise des Flurbereinigungsrechts bedient, mehrere Waldgenossenschaften zu einer neuen, größeren Waldgenossenschaft zusammenzulegen. Die Besonderheit besteht darin, dass in einer solchen Waldflurbereinigung über die Neuordnung der Grundstücksflächen hinaus zugleich eine Zusammenführung der Besitzer erfolgt. Hierdurch kann der Grad und Effekt der Zusammenlegung im Vergleich zu einer herkömmlichen Flächenarrondierung, die im Wesentlichen eine Flächenarrondierung durchführt, aber nicht die Anzahl der Besitzer signifikant reduziert, noch deutlich gesteigert werden. 

Owner or author organization
BRA - Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Dezernat 33 - Ländliche Entwicklung und Bodenordnung
Owner or Author name
Andreas Peter
Reporter organisation
InnovaWood asbl
Reporter name
Uwe Kies
Reporter e-mail
Project reference
SIMWOOD - FP7 grant 613762, 2013-2017
Title - Resource 1
NRW Pilotprojekt Bericht (englisch)
Title - Resource 2
Präsentation (Powerpoint englisch)
Main picture
Main picture caption
Waldgenossenschaft : eine gemeinschaftliche Besitzform basierend auf ideellen Anteilen
Logo of Main Organization
Land NRW, Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Logo of Project
SIMWOOD - FP7 no. 613762, 2013-2017
Additional visual 1
Waldflurbereinigung Biebertal 2004-2012 (Besitzfläche ca. 12 ha)
Additional visual 2
Waldflurbereinigung GWG Müsen 2005-2009 (Zusammenlegung von 542 ha)
Additional visual 3
Waldflurbereinigungen: Resultate und Wirkungen
Region of origin
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood Video
Watch video
Forest cooperative societies. Presentation at SWE Hub, 3 Nov 2021.
Has video
Id: 2861876
Continent Code: EU
Country Code: DE
Country Name: Germany
Name: North Rhine-Westphalia
Short description
Las concentraciones parcelarias forestales pueden mejorar la estructura de la propiedad de los bosques privados a pequeña escala y reactivar el uso forestal.
Digital solution

Una sociedad cooperativa forestal (FCS, en alemán Waldgenossenschaft) es un tipo de propiedad forestal privada conjunta, que suele denominarse bosque comunitario. Como tal, no debe confundirse con el bosque comunal, que es un bosque propiedad de un municipio o una ciudad. Los bosques comunitarios han existido en Europa desde hace siglos en múltiples formas tradicionales y han sobrevivido en muchas regiones hasta la actualidad. La principal característica de los bosques comunales en comparación con otras formas de propiedad forestal es que los propietarios no poseen una parcela concreta de una zona forestal, sino una parte ideal de toda la propiedad cooperativa, que puede entenderse como una acción de una bolsa de valores (Figura 1).

Basándose en el marco legal único de la Ley de Bosques Comunitarios GWG de Renania del Norte-Westfalia, esta concentración parcelaria especial consigue una fusión legal de los bosques comunitarios y los propietarios privados en una sociedad cooperativa forestal más amplia (Waldgenossenschaft) con el fin de mejorar las condiciones de gestión y administración de los bosques, lo que va más allá del reajuste de las parcelas por propietario único. De este modo, el grado de fusión y los beneficios para la gestión forestal colaborativa aumentan en comparación con las concentraciones parcelarias convencionales. Se incluyen diversas medidas de apoyo, como la construcción de carreteras, las mejoras silvícolas o las intervenciones paisajísticas, para generar impactos sostenibles adicionales en la región. 

En el estado federal de Renania del Norte-Westfalia (NRW), los bosques comunitarios son un importante tipo de propiedad forestal. Los bosques comunitarios originales se basaban en leyes centenarias, que fueron unificadas y redefinidas como sociedades cooperativas forestales (FCS) en la Ley de Bosques Comunitarios (Gemeinschaftswaldgesetz, GWG) de 1975. En la actualidad existen 270 FCS con unas 42.000 hectáreas y unos 17.500 propietarios forestales como accionistas. Un aspecto específico de la GWG de Renania del Norte-Westfalia es que permite un procedimiento especial, basado en parte en la ley de concentración parcelaria, para fusionar varias FCS en una nueva FCS más grande con el fin de mejorar las condiciones de la silvicultura y la administración. La especificidad es que con un solo procedimiento no sólo se consigue un reajuste de la propiedad de la tierra, sino también una fusión de la propiedad. Este procedimiento combinado puede mejorar el grado y el efecto de la FLC aún más en comparación con una consolidación convencional, que esencialmente sólo reduce el número de parcelas, pero no el número de propietarios.

Owner or author organization
BRA - Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Dezernat 33 - Ländliche Entwicklung und Bodenordnung
Owner or Author name
Andreas Peter
Reporter organisation
InnovaWood asbl
Reporter name
Uwe Kies
Reporter e-mail
Project reference
SIMWOOD - FP7 no. 613762, 2013-2017
Title - Resource 1
NRW pilot project report
Title - Resource 2
Main picture
Main picture caption
Waldgenossenschaft (sociedad cooperativa forestal): una forma de propiedad tradicional de bosques comunitarios
Logo of Main Organization
Land NRW, Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Logo of Project
SIMWOOD - FP7 no. 613762, 2013-2017
Additional visual 1
Concentración parcelaria forestal Biebertal 2004-2012, Alemania (superficie aprox. 12 ha)
Additional visual 2
Concentración parcelaria forestal GWG Müsen 2005-2009, Alemania (concentración en 542 ha)
Additional visual 3
Concentración parcelaria forestal: resultados e impactos
Region of origin
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood Video
Watch video
Forest cooperative societies. Presentation at SWE Hub, 3 Nov 2021.
Has video
Id: 2861876
Continent Code: EU
Country Code: DE
Country Name: Germany
Name: North Rhine-Westphalia
Short description
Forest land consolidations can enhance the land ownership structure of small-scale private forests and reactivate the forest use.
Digital solution

A forest cooperative society (FCS, in German Waldgenossenschaft) is a type of joint private forest ownership, which is generally termed community forest. As such, it is not to be confused with communal forest, which is forest owned by a commune or a town. Community forests have existed in Europe already for centuries in manifold traditional forms and have survived in many regions until today. The main characteristic of community forest compared to other forms of forest ownership is that the owners do not own a particular land parcel of a forest area, but an ideal share of the whole cooperative property, which can be understood as a share of a stock market (Figure 1).

Based on the unique legal framework of the Community Forest Act GWG of NRW, this special land consolidation achieves a legal merger of community forests and private owners into a larger forest cooperative society (Waldgenossenschaft) for the purpose of improving the conditions for forest management and administration, which goes beyond the readjustment of land parcels per single landowner. The degree of the merger and the benefits for collaborative SFM are thus enhanced compared to conventional land consolidations. Various supporting measures, such as road constructions, silvicultural improvements or landscape interventions are included to generate additional sustainable impacts in the region. 

In the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), community forests are an important forest ownership type. The original community forests were based on century-old laws, which were all unified and redefined as forest cooperative societies (FCS) in the Community Forest Act (Gemeinschaftswaldgesetz, GWG) of 1975. Today there exist 270 FCS with circa 42,000 ha and an estimated 17,500 forest owners as shareholders. A specific aspect of the NRW GWG is that it permits a special procedure, based partly on the land consolidation act, to merge several FCS into a new, larger FCS to improve the conditions for forestry and administration. The specificity is that not only a readjustment of land property, but also a merger of ownership is achieved in one procedure. Such a combined procedure can enhance the degree and effect of the FLC even more compared to a conventional consolidation, which essentially reduces only the number of land parcels, but not the number of landowners.

Owner or author organization
BRA - Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Dezernat 33 - Ländliche Entwicklung und Bodenordnung
Owner or Author name
Andreas Peter
Reporter organisation
InnovaWood asbl
Reporter name
Uwe Kies
Reporter e-mail
Project reference
SIMWOOD - FP7 grant 613762, 2013-2017
Title - Resource 1
NRW pilot project report
Title - Resource 2
Main picture
Main picture caption
Waldgenossenschaft (forest cooperative society) : a traditional ownership form of jointly owned community forest
Logo of Main Organization
Land NRW, Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Logo of Project
SIMWOOD - FP7 no. 613762, 2013-2017
Additional visual 1
Forest land consolidation Biebertal 2004-2012, Germany (land area ca. 12 ha)
Additional visual 2
Forest land consolidation GWG Müsen 2005-2009, Germany (merger into 542 ha)
Additional visual 3
Forest land consolidation: outcomes and impacts
Region of origin
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood Video
Watch video
Forest cooperative societies. Presentation at SWE Hub, 3 Nov 2021.
Has video
Portuguese, Portugal
Owner or author e-mail
Start Year
End Year
Title (abbreviation)
Short description
O Forscope é um protótipo de um sistema de planeamento avançado para a cadeia de abastecimento de biomassa florestal.
Digital solution
Type of solution

O Forscope é um protótipo de um sistema de planeamento avançado para a cadeia de abastecimento de biomassa florestal. Funciona como um mercado digital para a biomassa florestal, fornecendo informação sobre a oferta e procura de biomassa florestal para vários tipos de utilizadores, produtores de biomassa, consumidores de biomassa e fornecedores logísticos de processamento e transporte. Permite também o planeamento da cadeia de abastecimento, ou seja, sequencia as operações de recolha e processamento da biomassa florestal atendendo à disponibilidade dos equipamentos e a sua produtividade, de modo a minimizar os custos logísticos e cumprir os contratos de abastecimento às centrais. Pode também fornecer as melhores rotas de transporte e estimativas de custos operacionais, permitindo assim a gestão de um plano de operações que pode ser mensal mas também uma gestão diária das operações.

Owner or author organization
INESCTEC -Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
Owner or Author name
Alexandra Marques
Reporter organisation
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)
Reporter name
Susana Barreiro
Reporter e-mail
Main picture
Logo of Best Practice
Logo of Main Organization
Additional visual 1
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Title (national name)
Sistema de Optimização das Cadeias de Abastecimento Florestal
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Has video
Portuguese, Portugal
Owner or author e-mail
Start Year
Short description
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:583px;" width="583"> <tbody> <tr height="60"> <td height="60" style="height:60px;width:583px;">Agrupar áreas florestais para fomentar o envolvimento e a motivação dos proprietários privados e o reconhecimento das vantagens de uma gestão florestal adequada.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Digital solution

Áreas florestais privadas de pequena dimensão são comuns em Portugal, em particular a norte do rio Tejo. Estas pequenas parcelas de floresta dificultam as atividades de gestão florestal adequadas, levando frequentemente ao aumento de áreas florestais não geridas, do risco de incêndio, de pragas e doenças. Para resolver o problema, a associação de proprietários florestais do Baixo Vouga desenvolveu um programa de agregação de áreas florestais. O programa promove o agrupamento de áreas contíguas com o objetivo de facilitar as operações de gestão florestal promovendo a redução do risco de incêndio, o aumento das áreas bem geridas, o retorno económico e o investimento florestal. Para ser implementado, o programa requer um número mínimo de 5 proprietários com pelo menos 5 propriedades, somando mais de 10 hectares. Segue-se um inventário baseado em GPS e o desenvolvimento do plano de gestão florestal. O investimento e as receitas são distribuídos entre os envolvidos com base em quotas com o objetivo de aumentar o envolvimento, motivação e apreciação de todos os agentes envolvidos. Até à data, já foram agregadas várias áreas envolvendo differentes números de proprietários (exº Panasqueira, Águeda, 15 propriedades de 12 proprietários florestais totalizando 11 mil ha de floresta plantada e gerida sob o mesmo plano de gestão), e outras áreas, com agregações mais ambiciosas, ainda em curso (exº Lavandeira, Vagos, 211 propriedades de 138 proprietários florestais totalizando 73 mil ha).

Owner or author organization
Associação Florestal do Baixo Vouga
Owner or Author name
Luís Sarabando
Reporter organisation
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)
Reporter name
Susana Barreiro
Reporter e-mail
Main picture
Logo of Main Organization
Additional visual 1
Additional visual 2
Additional visual 3
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood Video
Has video
Owner or author e-mail
Start Year
Short description
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:427px;" width="427"> <tbody> <tr height="60"> <td height="60" style="height:60px;width:427px;">Ce site contient des informations et des ressources d'éducation pour aider les propriétaires forestiers à mieux connaître et entretenir leur forêt, préserver et accroître le capital naturel d'un héritage forestier, et acquérir des connaissances sur les diverses procédures administratives impliquées dans la gestion d'une forêt.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Digital solution

La plateforme "Je me forme pour mes bois" a été initiée par le CNPF en partenariat avec Fransylva et le dispositif de formation FOGEFOR. L'objectif est de fournir du contenu pédagogique en ligne et une offre de formation (stages de terrain, journées à thème, vidéos, etc) destinés aux propriétaires et enseignants forestiers. Le contenu pédagogique est regroupé par thèmes, afin d'avoir une vision d’ensemble de toutes les missions du propriétaire forestier : déterminer le potentiel de production de sa forêt, l’entretenir par des coupes et travaux, vendre du bois, protéger sa forêt et développer d’autres productions ou services, réaliser les démarches administratives. Le contenu est également classé en trois niveaux de technicité selon le profil et l'expérience des utilisateurs ("je découvre", "j'apprends", "je réalise"). Le site contient également des vidéos témoignages de propriétaires, et des ressources complémentaires (ouvrages, revues,...) afin d'approfondir certains points.

Owner or author organization
Owner or Author name
Henri Husson
Reporter organisation
Reporter name
Henri Husson
Reporter e-mail
Title - Resource 1
Main picture
Main picture caption
Aperçu de la plateforme
Logo of Best Practice
Logo of Main Organization
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Title (national name)
Je me forme pour mes bois
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Has video
Owner or author e-mail
Start Year
Title (abbreviation)
Short description
Izračunajte količino lesa, ustvarite seznam vnosov in ga delite...
Digital solution

Izračunajte prostornino lesa v kubičnih metrih, prostornino kubičnih metrov, nogah iz premera ali obsegov in dolžine, ustvarite les in ga brezplačno delite po e-pošti, Dropboxu, Googlu Drive in drugih aplikacijah za skupno rabo. Ustvarite poročilo o Excelovi datoteki, ki ga je mogoče enostavno uvoziti v Excel in druge programe za preglednice.

Owner or Author name
Bojan Zalar
Reporter organisation
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Main picture
Additional visual 3
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Has video
Owner or author e-mail
Start Year
Title (abbreviation)
Short description
Calculate timber volume, create timber log and share it.
Digital solution

Timberlog is a forestry tool to assist in estimating lumber harvest, log measurement, pulpwood logging. It can be used by the forester, logger and others from forestry industry and sawmills.
Chainsaws owners might find this footage calculator app very useful. Logging and harvesting with tractors and skidders using this app can be more effective and productive.

Owner or Author name
Bojan Zalar
Reporter organisation
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Main picture
Additional visual 1
Additional visual 3
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Has video
Owner or author e-mail
Title (abbreviation)
Short description
Informacijska platforma z orodji za podporo odločanju.
Digital solution

Gozdarstvo kot gospodarska panoga vključuje več členov v kompleksni gozdno-lesni verigi (GLV). Tehnološko gledano gozdarske člene GLV tvori niz proizvodnih procesov, s katerimi naravne vire iz gozdov pretvarjamo v proizvode in storitve. Pri izbiri posameznih strojev in povezovanju posameznih členov v nize proizvodnih procesov je pomembno vprašanje stroškov. Materialni stroški posameznih strojev in njihovih obveznih ali ne obveznih dodatkov oziroma priključkov so ključ za optimizacijo posameznih nizov proizvodnih procesov. Aplikacija omogoča enostavno izbiro tehnološkega modela za proizvodnjo okroglega lesa pa tudi zelenih sekancev. Z izborom strojev ter njihovih obveznih ali ne obveznih dodatkov oziroma priključkov vzdolž celotne verige od sečnje do dobave končnemu porabniku so določeni tudi stroški. Vizualizacija tehnoloških komponent vzdolž gozdno-lesnih verig ter prikaz stroškov omogočata optimizacijo in lažje razumevanje sicer zelo kompleksih verig.

Owner or author organization
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Reporter organisation
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Main picture
Additional visual 1
South-Eastern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Has video
Owner or author e-mail
Title (abbreviation)
Short description
Info platform with decision supporting tools.
Digital solution

Forestry as one of the economic sectors incorporates several links in the complex forestry wood chain. From the technological point of view, the forestry links of the FWC are formed by a series of production processes, with which natural forest resources are converted into products and services. In the selection of separate machines and connection of individual links into series of production chains, the question of costs is certainly an important issue. Material costs of individual machines and the mandatory or optional accessories or attachments are key to the optimization of individual series of production processes. The application enables a simple selection of a technological model for the production of roundwood as well as green chips. With the selection of machines and their mandatory or optional accessories or attachments along the entire chain from the felling area to the final user, the costs are stipulated as well. Visualization of technological components along the forestry wood chains and presentation of costs enable optimization and easier understanding of otherwise very complex chains.

Owner or author organization
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Owner or Author name
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Reporter organisation
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Reporter name
Polona Hafner
Main picture
Additional visual 1
Additional visual 2
Additional visual 3
South-Eastern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Country of origin
Scale of application
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Has video