Forest growing model (SiWaWa 2.0)

Forest growing model (SiWaWa 2.0) SiWaWa 2.0

A simple forest growth simulation model for practitioner (Android-App). SiWaWa needs only the number of the stems [N], the basal area per hectare [G] of a certain stand to generate separated the stem distribution curve according to the DBH-classes.
A simple forest growth simulation model for practitioner (Android-App). SiWaWa needs only the number of the stems [N], the basal area per hectare [G] of a certain stand to generate separated the stem distribution curve according to the DBH-classes. Free available Android-App, which could be used in the following fields:
1. Strategy: Goal dimension of the trees, cutting time
2. Care concept: Coordination of harvesting time, optimization of productivity
3. Measurements: Urgency and priority
4. Analysis: Starting point and forest development without interventions. Definition of intervention measures and simulation. SiWaWa 2.0 supports the decision makers in two aspects: Silvicultural and forest planning. It supports the foresters in a better understanding of the state point and forest development.
Glavna domena
Gojenje gozdov, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, odpornost, ekosistemske storitve
Ključne besede
Simulation; Growth; App
5. Izboljšanje gospodarske in ekološke učinkovitosti gozdne oskrbovalne verige
Tip rešitve
Modeliranje, DSS, simulacija, optimizacija
Digitalne rešitve
Izvorna država
Obseg uporabe
Začetno in končno leto
Kontaktn podatki
Lastnik oz. avtor
BFH Berne University of Applied Sciences
Christian Rosset
BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences
Moritz Dreher
References and Resources
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