Forest growing model (SiWaWa 2.0)
A simple forest growth simulation model for practitioner (Android-App). SiWaWa needs only the number of the stems [N], the basal area per hectare [G] of a certain stand to generate separated the stem distribution curve according to the DBH-classes. Free available Android-App, which could be used in the following fields: 1. Strategy: Goal dimension of the trees, cutting time 2. Care concept: Coordination of harvesting time, optimization of productivity 3. Measurements: Urgency and priority 4. Analysis: Starting point and forest development without interventions. Definition of intervention measures and simulation. SiWaWa 2.0 supports the decision makers in two aspects: Silvicultural and forest planning. It supports the foresters in a better understanding of the state point and forest development. |

Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Education and training
Simulation; Growth; App
Challenge addressed
5.- Enhance economic and environmental performance of forest supply chains
Type of solution
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution
Country of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
- Post date
Thursday, 12 August, 2021 - 12:59
Project under which this factsheet has been created