KEMERA funding (Funding for Sustainable Forestry)

KEMERA funding (Funding for Sustainable Forestry)


The purpose of the act on the financing of sustainable forestry (Kemera-law) is to advance economically, ecologically and socially sustainable silviculture and use of the forests. A private forest owner may receive financial support from the State for forest management, forest improvement work and for nature management. Public funding for forestry is based on the Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry. The general objectives of forestry financing are stated in the Act: increase the growth of forests, maintain road networks for forestry purposes, secure the biodiversity of forests and promote the adaptation of forests to climate change.

Government subsidies are essential for safeguarding sustainable wood production, maintenance of forest biodiversity and improvement of the health of forests. The most common reason not to participate in the cost sharing program is the challenge in applying the support. The receipt of Kemera subsidies requires a implementation plan or an application for support and declaration of completion. The amount of Kemera support varies by type of work and by financial zone. Support is a taxable income and the funding is provided by the Finnish Forest Center. Forest management and improvement work which may be eligible for support include the tending of seedling stands, tending of young stands, ditch cleaning and supplementary ditching and construction of forest roads. Support may also be granted for remedial fertilisation.

Tip lesa
Okrogli les
Izvor lesa
Potencial za mobilizacijo
Not possible to assess
Vrsta obravnavanega lesa
Stemwood, Above and below ground woody biomass
Vpliv na okolje in biodiverziteto


Enostavnost izvedbe
Gospodarski vpliv
Vpliv na delovna mesta
Very positive
Vpliv na prihodke
Potrebno specifično znanje
Knowing KEMERA system is needed
Ključni predpogoji

State support for forestry

Glavna domena
Gojenje gozdov, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, odpornost, ekosistemske storitve
3. Aktivacija zasebnih lastnikov in skupno upravljanje gozdov
Digitalne rešitve
Izvorna država
Obseg uporabe
Začetno in končno leto
Kontaktn podatki
Lastnik oz. avtor
Metsäkeskus Forest Centre
References and Resources
Projekt, v okviru katerega so bili zbrani osnovni podatki