Rilegno | National wood collection and recycling network
The Rilegno network is a showcase of excellence in post-consumer wood waste and recycling logistics, maximizing the benefits of an integrated circular value chain and market approach for the entire wood and furniture sector. Highlights of innovative features:
- The collection network covers the entire territory with 419 private collection platforms serving the industrial and commercial sector.
- More than 4,500 municipalities representing over 42 million inhabitants have signed agreements for urban collection.
- 15 major panel producers recycle large volumes to supply board products to furniture and construction industries, amounting for about 3.2 million tons of released items.
- 63% of the material sent for recycling into boards comes mainly from wooden packaging such as pallets, crates for fruit and vegetables, boxes, cable reels, cork stoppers.
- In addition, 60 million items equal to 839,000 tons of regenerated pallets are returned to the market, which thus re-enter the logistics circuit instead of becoming waste.
- The gained CO2 savings amount to around 1 million tons per year. The economic impact is around 1.4 million euros and 6,000 jobs.
Autorské práva na obrázky
(c) Consorzio Rilegno
1. doména (hlavná)
Produkty, trhy, obchod
Na lese založené priemyselné odvetvia, bio/obehová ekonomika
Kľúčové slová
recovered wood; waste wood; recycling; wood-based panels
Riešená výzva
5. Zlepšenie hospodárskej a environmentálnej výkonnosti dodávateľských reťazcov v lesníctve
Digitalne riešenie
Krajina pôvodu
Rozsah aplikácie
Začiatok a koniec roka
- Hlavná webstránka
Referencia projektu
WoodCircus, EC Horizon 2020 no. 820892, 2018-2021
Projektová webstránka
Dátum odoslania
nedeľa, 31 október, 2021 - 11:00
Projekt, v rámci ktorého bol tento informačný prehľad vytvorený
Rosewood 4.0