WOODVETIA | Campaign for Swiss wood

WOODVETIA | Campaign for Swiss wood

WOODVETIA | Kampagne für Schweizer Holz
Marketing campaign, demand promotion for Swiss Wood through targeted advertising measures (lifelike wooden figures of famous Swiss people, TV-Spots, billboards, documentary film, press releases and events throughout Switzerland).

Marketing campaign, demand promotion for Swiss Wood through targeted advertising measures (lifelike wooden figures of famous Swiss people, TV-Spots, billboards, documentary film, press releases and events throughout Switzerland). Point out the importance and the economic, ecological and social value of sustainable Swiss forest management. Presenting the diversity of forest-based industries, products and other services for society to the population. Demand enhancement for Swiss Wood and Swiss Wood products. Better impression of the different services provided by the Swiss forest management to the public. Raise awareness for the importance of a sustainable forest management and eligible silvicultural measures in Swiss forests. Making visible the different benefits for society (ex. climate change, CO2-mitigation, provision of drinkable water, protection against natural risks). Addressing the broad population and point out their importance in the context of the Swiss Wood mobilization with the link to the benefits of a sustainable forest management is an important issue to improve the wood mobilization in long-term and foresting the wood value-chain.

Dominio principal
Industrias do sector florestal, bioeconomia circular
Industria da madeira para construção
Educação e formação
Campaign Swiss wood; Marketing
Desafiar adressed
7. Aumentar a consciência pública, a aceitação social e o apoio político à silvicultura
Tipo de solução
Campanhas de consciencialização e educação
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Ano de início e fim
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
BFH Berne University of Applied Sciences
Moritz Dreher
References and Resources
Referência ao projeto
Woodvetia compaign
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood 4.0