Forest Data Bank

Forest Data Bank BDL

Bank Danych o Lasach
Data warehouse collecting, processing and sharing information concerning forests of all ownership forms in Poland. Data Bank provides both descriptive and geo-referenced spatial data, through web portal and mobile app.

Forest Data Bank is a data warehouse collecting, processing and sharing information concerning forests of all ownership forms in Poland. It’s aims include also supporting scientific research, enabling analysis and forecasting of forest resources and promoting standards of collecting and processing of forest data.

Data Bank provides both descriptive and geo-referenced spatial data. Available data cover forest stand and statistical unit description, forecasting and additional information such as: forest protection, fire protection, nature conservation, environment monitoring, hydrology, climatology, geology, nature and forest regionalisation, forest functional areas, seed regionalisation and National Register of Boundaries.
Forest Data Bank could be accessed through web portal (which includes also reports, publications and maps) or mobile app (mBDL), which offers access to map resources and navigation. Main target group are foresters but it is also used for the purposes of spatial planning, science, public and international statistics, and tourism. It provides information not only at the central level, but also regional and local ones. Data Bank is covering about 95% of forests in Poland (one of the most comprehensive dataset comparing to other countries that own such systems) and there are more than 25 thou visitors on the BDL portal per month.

Dominio principal
Inventário, avaliação e monitorização
data warehouse; mobile app; forestry
Desafiar adressed
2. Melhorar as infra-estruturas e a capacidade dos actores públicos
Tipo de solução
Plataformas de dados, centros de dados, partilha de dados
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Ano de início e fim
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
State Forests National Forest Holding
State Forests National Forest Holding
Łukasiewicz Research Network - Wood Technology Institute (ITD)
Dobrochna Augustyniak-Wysocka
References and Resources
Best practice - short article
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood 4.0