Environmental atlas of Slovenia

Environmental atlas of Slovenia

Atlas okolja
The Environmental Atlas is an online service within which the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia provides access to spatial content to the widest circle of users. The solution is based on the use of online geoinformation technologies.

The Environmental Atlas of Slovenia is an environmental information system with spatial data from the areas of nature, environment, water, ground cover, climate, infrastructure and other data in the entire area of Slovenia. The database is an example of high quality and useful content, which is supported with comprehensive metadata descriptions. It provides basic information on position, content of environmental data and environmental phenomena to general public and expert services.

Dominio principal
Inventário, avaliação e monitorização
Tipo de solução
Plataformas de dados, centros de dados, partilha de dados
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Ano de início e fim
2013 -
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
Environmental atlas of Slovenia
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Andreja Vedenik
References and Resources
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood 4.0