Industrias do sector florestal, bioeconomia circular

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Breve descrição
Il consorzio nazionale italiano per la raccolta, il recupero e il riciclaggio degli imballaggi in legno è un gruppo dinamico di 2.000 aziende che trasformano il legno, producono imballaggi, forniscono e importano imballaggi semilavorati. Tra i soci volontari ci sono aziende di riciclaggio, produttori di tavole, cellulosa, blocchi, pannelli e pallet. La grande rete permette un mercato di riciclaggio competitivo fino a 2 milioni di tonnellate di materiale raccolto ogni anno.
Solução digital

Il network Rilegno è una vetrina d'eccellenza nella logistica dei rifiuti legnosi post-consumo e del riciclo, massimizzando i benefici di una catena del valore circolare integrata e di un approccio al mercato per l'intera filiera del legno e del mobile. In evidenza le caratteristiche innovative:

  • La rete di raccolta copre l'intero territorio con 419 piattaforme di raccolta private che servono il settore industriale e commerciale.
  • Più di 4.500 comuni che rappresentano oltre 42 milioni di abitanti hanno firmato accordi per la raccolta urbana.
  • 15 grandi produttori di pannelli riciclano grandi volumi per fornire prodotti in cartone all'industria del mobile e dell'edilizia, pari a circa 3,2 milioni di tonnellate di materiale rilasciato.
  • Il 63% del materiale inviato al riciclo in pannelli proviene principalmente da imballaggi in legno come pallet, cassette per frutta e verdura, scatole, avvolgicavi, tappi di sughero.
  • Inoltre, vengono restituiti al mercato 60 milioni di pezzi pari a 839.000 tonnellate di pallet rigenerati, che rientrano così nel circuito della logistica invece di diventare rifiuti.
  • Il risparmio di CO2 ottenuto ammonta a circa 1 milione di tonnellate all'anno. L'impatto economico è di circa 1,4 milioni di euro e 6.000 posti di lavoro.
Organização proprietária ou de autor
Consorzio Rilegno
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Elisa Pasolini
Organização de repórteres
InnovaWood asbl
Nome do repórter
Uwe Kies
Repórter e-mail
Referência ao projeto
WoodCircus, EC Horizon 2020 no. 820892, 2018-2021
Título do recurso 1
Rilegno - WoodCircus Good Practice
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BP - Rosewood - V1
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Consorzio Rilegno
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Consorzio Rilegno
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Post-consumer wood from urban areas is collected, cleaned and processed in high tech recycling plants to re-convert into viable raw material for quality board products for furniture and interior use.
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UNILIN represents one of the most advanced recycling systems for valorizing post-consumer wood waste streams on large industrial scale. It relies on an established collection system and supplier network. Cascading wood reduces the need for fresh roundwood and prolongs the carbon capture. Particle boards from recovered wood are a prime case for Circular Economy in the sector. Highlights of innovative features :

  • Large investments in high tech sorting and cleaning equipment enables the processing of huge volumes of demolition and urban waste: up to 1 million tons are recycled into panels per year.
  • Chipboards are produced with up to 90% recycled wood.
  • To offset carbon emissions, factories are powered 70-90% by renewable energy from wood waste that cannot be recycled.
  • Partnerships with a large supplier network including container parks, demolition firms, packaging and furniture industries ensure the recovery of large wood volumes that are no longer usable for other processes.
Organização proprietária ou de autor
Organização de repórteres
InnovaWood asbl
Nome do repórter
Uwe Kies
Repórter e-mail
Referência ao projeto
WoodCircus - Horizon 2020 no. 820892, 2018-2021
Título do recurso 1
UNILIN good practice factsheet
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BP - Rosewood - V1
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Rosewood Video
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Source of wood

Stemwood, woody biomas

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Time scale
2017 -
Custos de implementação


Technical readiness level
Slovenian Forestry institute
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Breve descrição
Spletni portal Moj Gozdar je namenjen iskanju ustreznih izvajalcev del gozdarskih storitev.
Solução digital

Spletni informacijski sistem MojGozdar je inovativni pristop k večji transparentnosti trga storitev. MojGozdar nudi podporo pri iskanju gozdarskih storitev, kot so sečnja z motorno žago, spravilo s traktorjem, gojitvena dela, žičniško spravilo, strojna sečnja, izdelava lesnih sekancev (sekalnik) in gozdno gradbeništvo. Trenutno je v sistem vključenih nekaj več kot tisoč izvajalcev, ki nudijo različne gozdarske storitve. Sistem MojGozdar bo zajemal tristopenjsko ocenjevanje izvajalcev na enostaven, pregleden in objektiven način. V prvi stopnji vsi vključeni izvajalci dobijo pravno formalno oceno ustreznosti po načelu semaforja. Drugo stopnjoocenjevanja predstavlja neodvisna strokovna ocena s strani strokovno usposobljenega presojevalca. Glavno načelo neodvisne strokovne ocene bo trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdovi z doseganjem nadstandarda pri socialnih, ekonomskih in okoljskih vidikih izvedbe del. V drugo stopnjo ocenjevanja se lahko vključijo izvajalci, ki pravnoformalno ustrezajo osnovnim pogojem, torej so v prvi stopnji ocenjevanja ocenjeni kot ustrezni. Tretja stopnja ocenjevanja je namenjena naročnikom storitev, da predstavijo izkušnje ali mnenje o kakovosti opravljenih storitev. S celovitim sistemom ocenjevanja naj bi pripomogli k povečanju motivacije med izvajalci gozdarskih del za konkurenčno delo na trgu in kakovostno izvedbo del v gozdovih.

Podrobne informacije so dosegljive na

Organização proprietária ou de autor
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Organização de repórteres
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Nome do repórter
Polona Hafner
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South-Eastern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
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Rosewood Video
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MojGozdar - MyForester (2021)
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Breve descrição
Italy’s national consortium for the collection, recovery and recycling of wood packaging is a dynamic group of 2,000 companies, which transform wood, produce packaging, supply and import semi-finished packaging. The voluntary members include recycling companies, producers of boards, pulp, blocks, panels and pallets. The large network enables a competitive recycling market of up to 2 million tons of collected material annually.
Solução digital

The Rilegno network is a showcase of excellence in post-consumer wood waste and recycling logistics, maximizing the benefits of an integrated circular value chain and market approach for the entire wood and furniture sector. Highlights of innovative features:

  • The collection network covers the entire territory with 419 private collection platforms serving the industrial and commercial sector.
  • More than 4,500 municipalities representing over 42 million inhabitants have signed agreements for urban collection.
  • 15 major panel producers recycle large volumes to supply board products to furniture and construction industries, amounting for about 3.2 million tons of released items.
  • 63% of the material sent for recycling into boards comes mainly from wooden packaging such as pallets, crates for fruit and vegetables, boxes, cable reels, cork stoppers.
  • In addition, 60 million items equal to 839,000 tons of regenerated pallets are returned to the market, which thus re-enter the logistics circuit instead of becoming waste.
  • The gained CO2 savings amount to around 1 million tons per year. The economic impact is around 1.4 million euros and 6,000 jobs.
Organização proprietária ou de autor
Consorzio Rilegno
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Elisa Pasolini
Organização de repórteres
InnovaWood asbl
Nome do repórter
Uwe Kies
Repórter e-mail
Referência ao projeto
WoodCircus, EC Horizon 2020 no. 820892, 2018-2021
Título do recurso 1
Rilegno - WoodCircus Good Practice
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BP - Rosewood - V1
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Titulo (nome nacional)
Consorzio Rilegno
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Rosewood Video
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Consorzio Rilegno
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Português, Portugal
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Titulo (abreviatura)
Breve descrição
O Forscope é um protótipo de um sistema de planeamento avançado para a cadeia de abastecimento de biomassa florestal.
Solução digital
Tipo de solução

O Forscope é um protótipo de um sistema de planeamento avançado para a cadeia de abastecimento de biomassa florestal. Funciona como um mercado digital para a biomassa florestal, fornecendo informação sobre a oferta e procura de biomassa florestal para vários tipos de utilizadores, produtores de biomassa, consumidores de biomassa e fornecedores logísticos de processamento e transporte. Permite também o planeamento da cadeia de abastecimento, ou seja, sequencia as operações de recolha e processamento da biomassa florestal atendendo à disponibilidade dos equipamentos e a sua produtividade, de modo a minimizar os custos logísticos e cumprir os contratos de abastecimento às centrais. Pode também fornecer as melhores rotas de transporte e estimativas de custos operacionais, permitindo assim a gestão de um plano de operações que pode ser mensal mas também uma gestão diária das operações.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
INESCTEC -Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Alexandra Marques
Organização de repórteres
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)
Nome do repórter
Susana Barreiro
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BP - Rosewood - V1
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Titulo (nome nacional)
Sistema de Optimização das Cadeias de Abastecimento Florestal
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:361px;" width="361"> <tbody> <tr height="95"> <td height="95" style="height:95px;width:361px;">The&nbsp; project supports market uptake of three types of IBCs by developing feedstock mobilisation strategies, improved cost-effective logistics and trade centres. The investigated IBCs include pyrolysis oil, torrefied biomass and microbial oil.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Solução digital

The overall aim  is to facilitate the further introduction of intermediate bioenergy carriers by developing feedstock mobilisation strategies, improved logistics and IBC trade centres. More specifically, the objectives of the MUSIC project are:

  • To increase the uptake of intermediate bioenergy carriers through development of advanced and strategic case studies with economic actors (industries) committed to implement the results.
  • To develop and/or expand existing and future trade centres, either virtual or physical.
  • To assess the technical and non-technical aspects of biomass feedstock mobilisation with the purpose to develop dedicated feedstock mobilisation strategies.
  • To determine the best, cost-effective solutions for logistics along the entire IBC value chain, from raw unprocessed biomass to IBC end-users.
  • To involve, engage and support regional stakeholders and market actors, from the primary production sector, industry and beyond.
  • To evaluate framework conditions (legal, institutional and political) to identify key barriers and enablers.
  • To provide advice to policy makers at national and regional level to serve as input for more informed policy, market support and financial frameworks.
Organização proprietária ou de autor
BTG Biomass Technology Group
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
John Vos
Organização de repórteres
Nome do repórter
Ionnis Fallas
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Logotipo do projeto
Vista adicional 1
Vista adicional 2
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
Υποστήριξη της αγοράς για ενδιάμεσους φορείς βιοενέργειας
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Το PROFORBIOMED ήταν ένα στρατηγικό έργο MED στο πλαίσιο του διακρατικού προγράμματος ευρωπαϊκής εδαφικής συνεργασίας. Ο κύριος στόχος&nbsp; ήταν η προώθηση των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας και η βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης, ως οικονομική και κοινωνική ευκαιρία για τις αγροτικές περιοχές, μέσω της ενεργειακής χρήσης δασικών καταλοίπων και γεωργικής βιομάζας
Solução digital

Το έργο PROFORBIOMED (Προώθηση της υπολειμματικής δασικής βιομάζας στη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου) αποσκοπούσε στην προώθηση των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας ως οικονομικής και κοινωνικής ευκαιρίας για αγροτικές περιοχές, μέσω της ενεργειακής χρήσης δασικών καταλοίπων και γεωργικής βιομάζας. Ταυτόχρονα προέβλεπε τη δημιουργία νέων ευκαιριών απασχόλησης και την ανάπτυξη σχετικών βιομηχανιών σε αυτόν τον τομέα.
Τα κύρια αποτελέσματα ήταν:
Αξιολόγηση της διαθέσιμης δασικής βιομάζας για παραγωγή ενέργειας.
Μεταφορά και υιοθέτηση τεχνογνωσίας για τη βιώσιμη διαχείριση των δασών, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των αλυσίδων παραγωγής δασικής βιομάζας και της χρήσης της ως πηγής ενέργειας.
Βελτίωση της διακυβέρνησης των αγροτικών περιοχών, ανάπτυξη συστάδων και συμφωνιών μεταξύ δημόσιων και ιδιωτικών φορέων.
Ανάπτυξη ενός μοντέλου δημόσιας στήριξης για τη βιώσιμη διαχείριση των δασών και την παραγωγή βιομάζας.
Προσδιορισμός χρηματοδοτικών μηχανισμών για δημόσιες και ιδιωτικές επενδύσεις.
Δημιουργία νέων οικονομικών ευκαιριών. 

Organização proprietária ou de autor
"Directorate-General for the Environment of the Region of Murcia for the Environment of the Region of Murcia"
Organização de repórteres
Imagem principal
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
Προώθηση της υπολειμματικής δασικής βιομάζας στη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου
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Titulo (abreviatura)
Breve descrição
PROFORBIOMED was a strategic MED project under the transnational European Territorial Cooperation programme. Its main objective was the promotion of&nbsp; renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, as an economic and social opportunity for rural areas, through energy use of forest residues and agricultural biomass
Solução digital

PROFORBIOMED (Promotion of residual forestry biomass in the Mediterranean basin) aimed at the promotion of renewable energy as an economic and social opportunity for rural areas, through energy use of forest residues and agricultural biomass. At the same time it envisaged the creation of new employment opportunities and the development of related industries in this area.
The main outputs were:
Assessment of the forest biomass available for energy production.
Transfer and adoption of know-how on sustainable forest management including forest biomass production chains and its use as an energy source.
Improvement of the rural areas governance, development of clusters and agreements between public and private actors.
Development of a model of public support to sustainable forest management and biomass production.
Identification of financing mechanisms for public and private investments.
Creation of new economic opportunities.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
"Directorate-General for the Environment of the Region of Murcia for the Environment of the Region of Murcia"
Organização de repórteres
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Logotipo da boa prática
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
Προώθηση της υπολειμματικής δασικής βιομάζας στη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου
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Breve descrição
Mobilna in spletna aplikacija RecAPPture je namenjena lastnikom in proizvajalcem izdelkov iz odsluženega lesa za njegovo prodajo, nakup, oddajo ali odkup.
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Origem da madeira
Tipo de madeira

Ob načrtni porušitvi dotrajanih objektov lahko predvsem iz ostrešja dobimo precejšnje količine lesa, ki s o primerne za nadaljno uporabo. S kaskadno rabo lesa se podaljša njegova življenjska doba in nadaljne  skladiščenje v lesu vezanega CO2. Povpraševanje po izdelkih iz odsluženega lesa se povečuje, ob tem pa se pojavlja problem pridobivanja zadostnih količin primernega odsluženega lesa. Lkastniki takega lesa se pogosto ne zavedajo, da ga lahko oddajo/prodajo podjetju, ki bo iz njega naredil nov izdelek. S tem namenom je bila v sodelovanju med podjetjem M Sora in Univerzo na Primorskem razvita mobilna aplikacija in spletni vmesnik RecAPPture, preko katerega lahko lastniki odsluženega lesa oddajo svojo ponudbo. Aplikacija omogoča hitro izmenjavo informacij glede razpoložljie količine in vrste odsluženega lesa med ponudnikom in zainteresiranim podjetjem.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Barbara Šubic
Organização de repórteres
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Nome do repórter
Polona Hafner
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Logotipo da boa prática
Logotipo da organização principal
Vista adicional 1
South-Eastern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Sustentabilidade potencial - Valor
Very Positive
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Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Tipo de evento em que este BPI tem sido apresentado
Title of the event (Study visit - T2.3)
Študijski obisk dobre prakse, RecAPPture
Rosewood Video
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Breve descrição
The RecAPPture mobile and web application is intended for owners and manufacturers of discharged wood products for sale, purchase, lease or purchase.
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Origem da madeira
Tipo de madeira

With the planned demolition of decrepit buildings, significant amount of wood suitable for further use roof can be obtained. Cascading use of wood prolongs its lifespan and further storage of CO2 bounded in the wood. Demand for products from discharged wood is increasing and there a problem with ensuring sufficient quantities of suitable used wood occurs. Owners of such wood are often unaware that they can hand it over or sell it to a company that will make a new product out of it. For this purpose, in cooperation between the company M Sora and the University of Primorska, a mobile application and a web interface RecAPPture were developed. It enables the owners of used wood to submit their offer on discharged wood. The application enables a quick exchange of information regarding the availability of the quantity and type of used wood between the provider and the interested company.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Barbara Šubic
Organização de repórteres
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Nome do repórter
Polona Hafner
Repórter e-mail
Imagem principal
Logotipo da boa prática
Logotipo da organização principal
Vista adicional 1
Central-East Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Sustentabilidade potencial - Valor
Very Positive
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Tipo de evento em que este BPI tem sido apresentado
Title of the event (Study visit - T2.3)
South-East Europe Hub 1st Study Visit
Rosewood Video
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ROSEWOOD 4.0 South-East Europe Hub Study Visit - M Sora
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