5. Melhorar o desempenho económico e ambiental das cadeias de abastecimento florestal

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Breve descrição
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:541px;" width="541"> <tbody> <tr height="60"> <td height="60" style="height:60px;width:541px;">HiVision&nbsp;is the industry leading innovative digitalisation solution that provides individual crane operators with vision to safely carry out any loading job without having to leave the truck cabin.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Solução digital

Forestry crane work is often an isolated and rugged business carried out in challenging temperatures and harsh environments. Hiab’s HiVision™is transforming the working conditions and productivity using virtual reality technology, goggles, external cameras. Precision  and efficient log lifting every time - all from the safety and comfort of the crane cabin. HiVision™ is the first fully digitalised solution that gives a 270 degree view horizontally and 130 degree view vertically using external cameras mounted to the body of the equipment. The virtual reality technology assesses the external working conditions so the operator can stay safely within the truck cabin. Once the ‘target’ has been identified, the system allows the operator to guide the crane using an electronic joystick mounted on each armrest of the truck’s passenger seat. 

Organização proprietária ou de autor
Paper Province
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Martin Klyver
Organização de repórteres
Paper Province
Nome do repórter
Gunnar Hellerström
Imagem principal
Logotipo da organização principal
Vista adicional 1
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood Video
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HighVision - VR support for crane operators
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Potencial de mobilização
High, the KWH4.0 as a competence hub supports a wide range of projects and digital solutions, which in turn support wood mobilization.
Sustentabilidade potencial
KWH4.0 increases sustainability through several smart solutions which improve resource efficiency of harvesting operations or sustainable choices in forest management.
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

Other solutions from the KWH4.0 network address sensor-supported forest monitoring in order to increase resilience against climate change.

Facilidade de implementação
The KWH4.0 has received ERDF funding to start working. A challenge can be the core collaboration from both sides, forestry and ICT, needed to kick off activities.
Breve descrição
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:492px;" width="492"> <tbody> <tr height="60"> <td height="60" style="height:60px;width:492px;">Forest and Wood 4.0 - the forest cluster becomes smart</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Solução digital

The Center of Excellence for Forestry 4.0 is developing Industry 4.0 digitalization concepts for the forest and wood cluster. The driving force behind this approach is a closely cooperating working group of companies, research centers and the Forestry Education Center  North-Rhine Westphalia as a practical testbed.New, intelligent and decentrally acting machines, devices, services and people, will enable the cluster to optimize its complex value-added networks, develop new business models and meet current challenges from ecology, economy and climate change. Existing approaches address the complexity of structures and processes, and the conflicting demands on forest management only insufficiently. To "smartify" the forest and wood cluster, existing competencies from industry, science and administration must be bundled: The goal of KWH4.0 is to create a know-how base and infrastructures, and to implement forest and wood 4.0 components via innovative Smart Forest Labs. The Smart Forest Labs serve as experimental forestry laboratories in which developed components, systems and processes are tested, standardization advanced, concepts disseminated, and actors trained. Developed concepts and standards are continuously published as practical recommendations, a first version of the communication infrastructure S3I (Internet of Things application) has been established. In addition, there is an increasingly smart fleet: forestry machines have been upgraded to retrieve digital information (GPS position, fuel consumption, production data, etc.) and at the same time networked via alternative radio standards with machines in regions where mobile communication is not possible.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
RIF Institut für Forschung und Transfer e.V.
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Frank Heinze
Organização de repórteres
Nome do repórter
Marie-Charlotte Hoffmann, Elke Hübner-Tennhoff
Imagem principal
Logotipo da boa prática
Logotipo do projeto
Vista adicional 1
Vista adicional 2
Vista adicional 3
Central-West Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Sustentabilidade potencial - Valor
Very Positive
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Holz 4.0
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Tipo de evento em que este BPI tem sido apresentado
Title of the event (Study visit - T2.3)
ROSEWOOD4.0 Study-Tour and Seminar: Digitalization – the virtual forest
Rosewood Video
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KWH 4.0 - Wald und Holz 4.0 Competence Center
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E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Breve descrição
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:541px;" width="541"> <tbody> <tr height="60"> <td height="60" style="height:60px;width:541px;">Digital solutions designed for more efficient forest workers and stakeholders</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Solução digital

FeltGis was established in 2016 by three entrepreneurs from the IT and forestry sector with intent to develop easy to use digital solutions for increased efficiency in the forestry value chain. Today the FeltGis team consists of four working partners and are owned by a group of shareholders in an Ltd.  The product FeltBox is a wireless router connecting the forestry machine to the application FeltLog. The FeltLog app makes it possible to transfer information to a computer and to receive data. Two-way communication allows the forestry machine operator to receive work descriptions and to forward production data to the whole value chain. Production data is uploaded to a central database and the user has full control over what data to transfer. FeltBox can easily be installed in any forestry machine regardless of brand, at an affordable price. The system uses access via smartphone to stay updated and to transfer information, no additional internet connection is required. Today 100+ FeltGis solutions are installed in Norway and the same number are installed for testing in different countries. The FeltGis team actively work to develop customized and market-oriented solutions for the national and international market and has concrete plans for developing new innovative solutions in the time to come, expanding their product portfolio in both depth and width. The FeltGis team are currently in dialog with stakeholders from France, Spain, Uruguay, Ireland, and Finland.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
FeltGis A/S
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
CEO. Isak Hasselvold
Organização de repórteres
Tretorget Ltd
Nome do repórter
Ola Rostad
Repórter e-mail
Imagem principal
Logotipo da organização principal
Vista adicional 1
Northern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
FeltGis A/S
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood Video
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E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Potencial de mobilização
Tipo de madeira em causa
Sustentabilidade potencial
Facilidade de implementação
Impacte economico
Impacte no emprego
Impacte nas receitas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
Digital Monitoring
Custos de implementação


Pre-requisitos chave

digital system

Ano de inicio
Breve descrição
Timflow, the wood traceability monitoring system developed by HS Timber Group and implemented for all timber factories in Romania in April 2017
Solução digital
Tipo de solução
Origem da madeira
Tipo de madeira
Potencial de exploração



Thanks to TimFlow it is possible to check if the exploited wood is legal, if the supplier companies meet the requirements of the company's Due Dilligence system; Whether or not the wood comes from buffer zones of national parks or from other areas where intervention is not allowed. The most important quality of the Timflow system is the unprecedented level of transparency. All GPS data collected is publicly available on the portal also in English, which allows local and international stakeholders to check log shipments. Users can check via Timflow:

  • all transports in the country from the last 12 months which have reached the gates of HS Timber Productions’ sawmills in Romania;
  • information on transport documents;
  • photos of the cargo;
  • truck routes;
  • in addition, users can request copies of the transport documents.

In addition, users can request copies of the transport documents.With the help of Timflow, HS Timber Group ensures that all shipments are legal, meet the requirements of the Due Diligence system and that the loaded timber does not come from buffer zones of national parks. Timflow is an important part of HS Timber Group's Due Diligence system, which strongly supports the group's efforts to reduce the risk of non-compliant timber in the supply chain. 

The application started in April 2017, the number of registered users grew 60% in the first two months following the update, and the number of transports checked on the platform surpassed the 3,000 mark – a growth of 75%. In 2017 over the first six months in operation, Timflow has recorded real-life data from all the trucks delivering logs to the first company implementing the traceability system. This includes the precise routes of the transports, a reference to the documents of origin and photos of the cargo. For each of the 16,000 transports (as of October 2017) a unique dataset is stored securely on the Timflow servers.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
HS Timber Group
Organização de repórteres
KO-FA Association
Nome do repórter
Repórter e-mail
Título do recurso 1
Imagem principal
Logotipo da boa prática
Logotipo da organização principal
Vista adicional 1
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood Video
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TimFlow (2021)
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E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Potencial de mobilização
500 m3/ha
Tipo de madeira em causa
Madera en bruto
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

Muy alto

Impacte economico
Impacte no emprego
Impacte nas receitas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
Conocimientos TIC
Pre-requisitos chave


Dominio principal
Ano de inicio
Ano de fim
Titulo (abreviatura)
Breve descrição
El grupo operativo ChainWood combina capacidades del sector maderero y forestal con empresas y centros tecnológicos para el desarrollo de software basado en tecnología blockchain e IoT que contribuya a mejorar la trazabilidad, competitividad y eficiencia del sector.
Solução digital
Tipo de solução
Origem da madeira
Potencial de exploração



El objetivo del proyecto ChainWood es diseñar y desarrollar una infraestructura de software segura basada en tecnologías blockchain y de Internet de las cosas, ajustada a todas las cadenas de suministro de la madera, que permita a los distintos actores sacar el máximo partido a sus datos y gestionar el producto de una forma más eficiente en términos de coste, trazabilidad y sostenibilidad.
Las principales soluciones a problemas detectados son: Garantía en las transacciones, Información de confianza en tiempo real, Semiautomatización de la operación, Datos de calidad accesibles, Mejora de la competencia.

  • Para los productores
    Información en tiempo real sobre el volumen y el estado del producto.
  • Para la industria transformadora
    Acceso a una enorme fuente de datos sobre la materia prima que les permitirá optimizar sus procesos de suministro y agilizar la gestión de sus operaciones.
  • Para las empresas de explotación
    Transparencia y garantía en las transacciones, sacando el máximo partido a la tecnología actual.
  • Para las autoridades de control
    Reducción de costes en los procesos de auditoría y control, así como un conocimiento más preciso de las cadenas de suministro.
  • Para las empresas logísticas 
    Información que les permitirá optimizar su flota y prestar servicios de manera más eficiente.
  • Para las administraciones públicas
    Mayor facilidad de acceso a los datos sobre la madera permitiendo una gestión más ágil y eficiente de los procesos que supervisa.
Organização proprietária ou de autor
FMC Forestal
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Jesús Martínez
Organização de repórteres
Nome do repórter
Ángela García de Arana
Referência ao projeto
Imagem principal
Logotipo do projeto
Facilidade de implementação - Avaliação
South-Eastern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Sustentabilidade potencial - Valor
Very Positive
País de origem
Titulo (nome nacional)
ChainWood. Blockchain for inmutable timber
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood Video
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Descubre ChainWood
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E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Potencial de mobilização
Very high, as this tools provides the necessary information in a secure way to improve and increase the mobilization of wood
Tipo de madeira em causa
Timber, roundwood
Sustentabilidade potencial
This tool enables the companies and also private owners of small forests, to manage in the most efficient and sustainable way
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

The impact is high in a positive way because smarter solutions can be performed with the best impact in the environment and subsequently for biodiversity

Facilidade de implementação
Very easy, and person with basic knoledge in modern technology devices can use ChainWood
Impacte economico
The planning of a company or forest owner will be more accurate, therefore, this will turn into better economic results
Impacte no emprego
Impacte nas receitas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
IT knowledge
Custos de implementação

No data

Pre-requisitos chave


Ano de inicio
Ano de fim
Breve descrição
<p>ChainWood operational group combines capabilities of the timber and forestry sector with companies and technology centers for the development of software based on blockchain and IoT technology that will contribute to improve traceability, competitiveness and efficiency in the sector.</p>
Solução digital
Tipo de solução
Origem da madeira
Potencial de exploração



The objective of the ChainWood project is to design and develop a secure software infrastructure based on blockchain and Internet of Things technologies, adjusted to all wood supply chains, allowing the different actors to make the most of their data and manage the product in a more efficient way in terms of cost, traceability and sustainability. The main solutions to problems detected are: transaction assurance, Real-time trusted information, Semi-automation of the operation, Accessible quality data, Improved competition.


  • For producers: Real-time information on the volume and status of the product.
  • For the processing industry: Access to a huge source of raw material data that will allow them to optimize their supply processes and streamline the management of their operations.
  •  For operating companies: Transparency and assurance in transactions, making the most of today's technology.
  • For control authorities: Cost reduction in auditing and control processes, as well as a more precise knowledge of supply chains.
  • For logistics companies: Information that will enable them to optimize their fleet and provide services more efficiently.
  • For public administrations: Easier access to timber data, allowing a more agile and efficient management of the processes they supervise.
Organização proprietária ou de autor
FMC Forestal
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Jesús Martínez
Organização de repórteres
Cesefor Foundation
Nome do repórter
Ángela García
Referência ao projeto
Imagem principal
Legenda da imagem principal
ChainWood App
Logotipo da boa prática
Facilidade de implementação - Avaliação
South-Western Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
Sustentabilidade potencial - Valor
Very Positive
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood Video
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Descubre ChainWood, la solución tecnológica que aplica blockchain al sector forestal en España
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Source of wood

Above and below ground woody biomass

E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Time scale
From 2018
Potencial de mobilização
Tipo de madeira em causa
All kind of wood
Sustentabilidade potencial
Very positive
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade


Facilidade de implementação
Easy, basic digital skills
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
Very high skills and knowledge in remote sensing, forestry and software development
Custos de implementação

300.000-1.000.000 €  

Technical readiness level
Immediately applicable
Pre-requisitos chave

To know its existence

Agresta S.Coop
Actual status
Country Region City
Ano de inicio
Breve descrição
ForestMap is an e-commerce platform that allows users to make reliable and on-line forest inventories of a specific area in a rapid and simple way. It estimates all relevant variables included in a professional forest inventory through combination of pre-processed remote sensing data and powerful predictive models.
Solução digital

ForestMap intuitive interface allows anyone to automatically generate forest inventories of a chosen area without the need of field work and unnecessary delays. ForestMap is an unprecedented solution that delivers accurate, quick and cost-effective forest inventory reports. It is necessary to integrate a maximum of information sources to generate the most accurate, complete and updated inventories possible: LiDAR, satellite, photogrammetry, available terrain data... Stakeholders in the forestry sector are not used to working with technological tools, so it is important to do important demonstration work and support.

ForestMap has a positive impact for a major mobilisation of wood resources allowing forest-owners, operators and indutries to assess stands in an easy and remote way. ForestMap is able to provide valuable reports on demand. An operative version of the web platform (link) is working for 10 provinces in Spain, that covers more than 3 M ha. ForestMap models showed a high performance in terms of accuracy (volume BIAS< 20%) and response times being able to produce a full inventory of less than 500ha in minutes.
ForestMap has been used to produce tailor-made products for specific uses and clients, based on innovation projects:

  • Tool for calculating (link)the amount of carbon in forest masses in the province of Bizkaia (Basque Country, Spain).
  • Inventory mapping of fuel models tool and for the prevention and management of forest fires in La Rioja
Organização proprietária ou de autor
Agresta S. Coop.
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
David García
Imagem principal
Logotipo da boa prática
Logotipo da organização principal
Vista adicional 1
Vista adicional 2
South-Western Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood Video
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ForestMap (English clip)
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Source of wood


E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Time scale
2017 – 2019
Potencial de mobilização
1 – 2 m3/ha
Tipo de madeira em causa
Sustentabilidade potencial
Very positive – currently under complete assessment (LCA)
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

Positive effect on environmental impact and forest working resilience enhancement. Also providing an environmental impact documentation system

Facilidade de implementação
Difficult - Module dependent - now partially in basic portfolio of the manufacturer (HSM)
Impacte economico
Due to higher potential driving speeds and thus a higher productivity as well as a lower fuel consumption under certain circumstances, a double positive effect can be noted. Also, a higher grade of profession can be reached in the supply chain by implemen
Impacte no emprego
Higher subjective comfort and stress relief due to highly suspended working area (M2)
Impacte nas receitas
Positive / more efficient working processes / cost reduction possibility / better and enhanced working conditions in soil sensitive areas / higher productivity on low road density areas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
Developing support of monitoring services to implement in the own software- and working environment; no additional knowledge needed on the use of the hardware equipped machine towards conventional machines.
Custos de implementação

Individually to estimate on request:
Monitoring service introduction or development
Cloud service providing
Additional module cost (with new machine):
HVT transmission:  app. 25 000 €
Triple Bogie: app. 29 000 €
Fully-suspended drivers cab 7 500 €
Other modules on request.

Technical readiness level
Partly direct applicable – request necessary
Pre-requisitos chave

Geiger, Chris; Greff, Daniel; Starke, Michael; Geimer, Marcus (2019): Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Wiegesystems für Forstkräne auf Basis von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen. LANDTECHNIK, Bd. 74 Nr. 5 (2019). DOI: 10.15150/lt.2019.3213.

Switzerland, Saxony (Germany), Scotland, Lithuania, Romania
Forwarder2020 Consortium
Actual status
Finished project with ongoing evaluation on demand
Country Region City
Ano de inicio
Ano de fim
Breve descrição
Two newly developed forwarder prototypes with five different modules were implemented and tested in the fields under varying conditions within Europe.
Solução digital
Origem da madeira
Tipo de madeira

With two newly developed forwarder prototypes, five new and different modules were implemented and tested in the fields under varying production conditions within Europe. These modules are developed towards raising the productivity of the machine, improving the working conditions and lowering the ecological impact of the forwarding process. The modules contain a hydrostatic-mechanical transmission system (HVT, M1), a suspended cabin (M2), an energy regenerating and recuperating hydraulic crane (M3), a triple bogie axle for wet terrain, that can be used with or without tracks (M4) and a monitoring system to surveil and document the machine status to derive further information of production and environment (M5).

With the tests of prototype machines, the aims of development could be proven by the field tests, that were executed within the study. Especially the effect on the soils on sensitive areas, also without the use of bogie tracks, as it was tested on distributed bark beetle infested stands in Saxony, was one field of application where the advantages of tire-based working, longer bogie axle and high contact surface were positively assessed. With more experiences, the revelation of further advantages or limitations are expected.

Within the field tests, all modules of the “Triple Bogie Prototype” (M3, M4, M5) were assessed with a positive effect. For wetland (Saxony) or even peatland working conditions (Scotland, Lithuania), the triple bogie showed advantages in technical accessibility but also the lower environmental impact on sensitive areas. Without the use of tracks, especially under varying, partly sensitive soil conditions the system has advantages towards other systems as the machine was able to relocate itself on own axle for long distances and provide the protection effect. The protection of ditches while entering forest stands was a positive additional effect of the system that could be observed as it acts like a built- in bridge. Due to potential high load capacity of both base machines, also a high productivity was recorded that fit or exceeded literature findings. The crane system (M3) which has also a high positive influence on the fuel consumption could withstand a fuel consumption reduction effect on its own, at is was proven under laboratory conditions.

  • With higher productivity, now due to higher driving speeds and in course of a lowered fuel consumption, the second, “HVT- Prototype” (M1, M2, M5) setup presented its advantages especially under longer hauling distances with high possible driving speeds. This machine can be especially be efficiently used in regions with low road densities.
  • With the monitoring system (M5), the environmental impact and the machine behavior was actively observed and evaluated. As the here implemented iFOS system is freely configurable, it was successfully implemented in the project and could for instance be further introduced as modular environmental documentation system by forest enterprises or in public services. The separately developed data-based crane scale as stand-alone or industry 4.0 service, makes it possible to use the forwarding information in logistic applications like the energy wood supply in the wood chip logistic (Geiger et al. 2019).
Organização proprietária ou de autor
HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Felix zu Hohenlohe
Organização de repórteres
BFH Berne University of Applied Sciences
Nome do repórter
Moritz Dreher
Referência ao projeto
EC Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 727883
Imagem principal
Logotipo do projeto
Vista adicional 1
Vista adicional 2
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
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Source of wood


E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Time scale
Since 2008
Potencial de mobilização
1 m³/ha
Tipo de madeira em causa
Sustentabilidade potencial
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade


Facilidade de implementação
Impacte economico
High with fully digitalization
Impacte no emprego
Better qualified staff / better operations and transport
Impacte nas receitas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
High, complex approach- Introduction to XML schemes
Custos de implementação

Ca. 3000 € / LogBuch unit; annual costs around 150 € (webportal) / few working hours

Technical readiness level
Applicable in 5 years
Pre-requisitos chave

Involve all relevant stakeholders in the development

"Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finnish Forest Centre, Forestry Development Centre Tapio, Bitcomp Oy"
Actual status
Country Region City
Ano de inicio
Solução digital
Tipo de solução
Origem da madeira
Tipo de madeira

Forest information is standardized so that actors engaged in the forest sector could develop and use harmonized information systems. Although basic concepts and measurement units have been defined for decades, almost every actor has implemented them differently in their information systems. Converting and transferring information is difficult or almost impossible between systems. Forest information standards facilitate the use of open materials and data transfer between actors. This improves operational efficiency and international competitiveness of forest sector.

The development of information exchange interfaces is not finished. The goal is a situation where all forest industry systems would read, write and send via a forest information standard.

Standard defines the structure, data types and codes used in different schemes. Forest information standards are based on XML-format (geometry: GML).
Data to be exchanged with standards is: special feature data, forest compartment data, forest use declaration, timber trade, harvesting and operations. The projects outcome is: documentation, schemas, guidelines, practises. The outcome will be written XML files which are transferred between different systems. XML is used as it is international data standard, a method to structure electronic documents. XML-documents (=files) are readable and alloes to import data into all systems capable of reading such documents. The structure of XML-documents can be validated automatically so it follows its definitions (=schema).

Organização proprietária ou de autor
Finnish Forest Centre
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Heikki Eronen
Imagem principal
Logotipo do projeto
Vista adicional 1
Northern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
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Source of wood


E-mail do proprietário ou autor
Time scale
Potencial de mobilização
Not possible to assess
Tipo de madeira em causa
Sustentabilidade potencial
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

Positive/depends on management decisions

Facilidade de implementação
Impacte economico
Impacte no emprego
Less field work/ helps to plan forest operations
Impacte nas receitas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
IT-tool and silvicultural knowledge needed
Custos de implementação

Monthly fee

Technical readiness level
Immediately applicable
Pre-requisitos chave

Silviculture knowledge is needed

Jyväskylä, Finland
Forest service providers, Forest companies
Actual status
Dominio principal
Country Region City
Solução digital
Tipo de solução
Origem da madeira
Tipo de madeira

WoodsApp is a map based forest information system, where user can utilize search engine that enables finding ideal forest compartment according to user-specific requirements. All Finnish-wide open forest stand data by Finnish Forest Centre is available in the system. Service works effortlessly on both mobile device or tablet, when you are searching suitable wood trade and silvicultural work units. WoodsApp brings significant benefits for timber buyers, forest service providers and forest owners associations. The service is an effective tool for searching timber trade or silviculture targets, the new customer acquisition of the forest service business and the purchase of forest property. You can see area, main tree species, development class, cutting potential, action proposals and other information related to the forest stand. In addition to open forest stand data, useful background and theme maps are available. These maps help in finding important natural habitats or evaluate cutting potential.

Organização proprietária ou de autor
Bitcomp Oy
Nome do Proprietário ou Autor
Elina Koskimäki, Product Manager
Imagem principal
Logotipo do projeto
Northern Hub
BP - Rosewood - V1
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Tem vídeo