Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 325
7. Augmenter la sensibilisation du public, l'acceptation sociale et le soutien politique pour la foresterie
At the Science Centre Pilke exhibition, you will have the opportunity to explore the forest with all your senses and from many different angles.
Education and training
7. Augmenter la sensibilisation du public, l'acceptation sociale et le soutien politique pour la foresterie
Forest Finland talks about the sustainability of the use of the northern forests. Forest Finland is the joint communication project of the Finnish forest sector, launched in May 2020. The campaign will awaken and raise peoples’ interest and encourage discussion about the forests’ role in everything in Finland.
Education and training
Awareness, educational campaigns
Digital solution
1. Améliorer la résilience de la forêt et son adaptation au changement climatique
Forest health solution built upon an innovative sensor technology for real-time ecosystem monitoring
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Forest disturbances, risks
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
5. Accroître les performances économiques et environnementales de la chaîne logistique forestière
Using the WASP's wood logistics platform, all actors involved in the forest and timber supply chain can improve the planning horizon to optimise the supply chain across companies.
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
5. Accroître les performances économiques et environnementales de la chaîne logistique forestière
App for easy and fast timber purchase and selling
Products, markets, trade
Marketing platforms
Digital solution
5. Accroître les performances économiques et environnementales de la chaîne logistique forestière
We will work smarter, more efficiently and with more precision. We want to bringing Industry 4.0 to the Norwegian Forestry.
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Research and development
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Networks, testbeds, R&D platforms
Digital solution
4. Assurer une main-d'oeuvre bien formée à travers le développement attractif de compétences et la formation
Choose Forest works with recruitment, education and reputation building for the forest industry in Norway.
Education and training
5. Accroître les performances économiques et environnementales de la chaîne logistique forestière
Allma give you the opportunity to access your forestry plan via PC, smart phone, or tablet. Providing an overview of standing volume/value, and help you make smart decisions.
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
1. Améliorer la résilience de la forêt et son adaptation au changement climatique
Think Woods purpose is to show how forests and trees can contribute in the fight against climate changes.
Education and training