ChainWood | Blockchain for inmutable timber

ChainWood | Blockchain for inmutable timber

ChainWood operational group combines capabilities of the timber and forestry sector with companies and technology centers for the development of software based on blockchain and IoT technology that will contribute to improve traceability, competitiveness and efficiency in the sector.
ChainWood App

The objective of the ChainWood project is to design and develop a secure software infrastructure based on blockchain and Internet of Things technologies, adjusted to all wood supply chains, allowing the different actors to make the most of their data and manage the product in a more efficient way in terms of cost, traceability and sustainability. The main solutions to problems detected are: transaction assurance, Real-time trusted information, Semi-automation of the operation, Accessible quality data, Improved competition.


  • For producers: Real-time information on the volume and status of the product.
  • For the processing industry: Access to a huge source of raw material data that will allow them to optimize their supply processes and streamline the management of their operations.
  •  For operating companies: Transparency and assurance in transactions, making the most of today's technology.
  • For control authorities: Cost reduction in auditing and control processes, as well as a more precise knowledge of supply chains.
  • For logistics companies: Information that will enable them to optimize their fleet and provide services more efficiently.
  • For public administrations: Easier access to timber data, allowing a more agile and efficient management of the processes they supervise.
Походження деревини
Потенціал для мобілізації
Very high, as this tools provides the necessary information in a secure way to improve and increase the mobilization of wood
Тип деревини
Timber, roundwood
Потенціал для сталості
This tool enables the companies and also private owners of small forests, to manage in the most efficient and sustainable way
Вплив на навколишнє середовище та біорізноманіття

The impact is high in a positive way because smarter solutions can be performed with the best impact in the environment and subsequently for biodiversity

Легкість впровадження
Very easy, and person with basic knoledge in modern technology devices can use ChainWood
Економічний вплив
The planning of a company or forest owner will be more accurate, therefore, this will turn into better economic results
Вплив на створення робочих місць
Вплив на створення прибутку
Потреба в особливих знаннях
IT knowledge
Потенціал для використання


Ключові передумови


Основний домен
Інвентаризація, оцінка, моніторинг
Продукція, ринки, торгівля
Ключові слова
blockchain; Internet of Things
Виклик розглянуто
5. Посиленння економічної та екологічної ефективності ланцюжків поставок лісу
Тип рішення
Інструменти відслідковування
Цифрові рішення
Країна походження
Масштаби застосування
Початок і кінець року
2018 - 2020
Контактні дані
Власник або автор
Cesefor Foundation
Ángela García
References and Resources
Посилання на проект
Краща практика розроблена в рамках проекту
Rosewood 4.0