The "supermarket" of quality biomass

The "supermarket" of quality biomass


Since 2005 Cip Calor has focused on woody biomass. Careful to professionalism, safety and quality, the company has explored fields that were little known at the time. The sale of wood was accompanied by contracts for the supply of wood chips to public users and contracting activities. In 2010 it invested in the construction of an innovative biomass platform, today the company's nerve center, where firewood and wood chips can be produced and marketed in compliance with the quality standards required by the market and the relevant regulations. The advantages of this logistic-productive-commercial model are many. The organization and optimization of productivity has improved; thanks to the covered structure it is possible to work even in bad weather days; it is easier to manage the quality control system; the number of customers has increased, seeing in the platform a place characterized by a clear and transparent marketing; also interesting is the aspect of visibility and access to the platform at convenient times, where customers can observe and "touch" the work phases and the product they intend to buy. The platform has been designed in an optimal position for the management of the material: from about half of the wooded area that the company manages, it is even possible to cut the wood with a cable crane directly in the yard, with obvious logistical consequences. Excluding raw wood deposits all production activities are covered, below a 1,400 m2 ventilated structure. The main elements of the platform are: "Chipped" line: deposit for the wood chips to be dried; drier; mini co-generator for the production of electricity and heat; storage for dried wood chips. "Firewood" line: area used for cutting and splitting; roll-off bodies connected to the hot air exiting the co-generator; storage for firewood. Other structures: mini-sawmill for the production of manufactured goods; warehouse for the recovery of tools and staff rooms, heated to the floor with the heat recovered from the co-generator; commercial office.

Регіон походження
Тип деревини
Стовбурна деревина
Походження деревини
Потенціал для мобілізації
4.000-5.000 t per year
Тип деревини
"Wood chips: fir, pine, Firewood: chestnut, oak, beech"
Потенціал для сталості
High: production of renewable energy from local forests, re-use of energy within the production plant
Вплив на навколишнє середовище та біорізноманіття

The traceability of the raw material and compliance of good forest management is guaranteed by current regional and national legislation

Легкість впровадження
Medium: huge investments are needed
Економічний вплив
400-600.000 euro per year
Вплив на створення робочих місць
10-12 employees
Вплив на створення прибутку
Потреба в особливих знаннях
Knowledge of current and potential local biomass market
Ключові передумови

Excellent knowledge of biomass trade centres.

Основний домен
Заготівля, інфраструктура, логістика
Деревообробна промисловість, біо / циркулярна економіка
Цифрові рішення
Країна походження
Регіон походження
Масштаби застосування
Регіональний / суб-національний
Початок і кінець року
Контактні дані
Власник або автор
References and Resources
Краща практика розроблена в рамках проекту