Science Centre Pilke
Pilke is Metsähallitus's office building in Rovaniemi, northern Finland. Pilke House's Customer Service offers information on all services provided by Metsähallitus including trail permits and hiking advice. Visitors will also find a selection of forest-themed products at Pilke Shop, next to the customer service. Science Centre Pilke downstairs introduces northern forests and the multiple ways in which we are daily connected to forests and their produce. Science Centre Pilke tells stories about the northern forests and the many connections we have with them. The building is a wooden beam-column structure, an example of ecological wood construction and Finnis architecture.
Huvud domän
Undervisning och träning
Utmaning som adresseras
7. Öka allmänhetens medvetenhet, sociala acceptans och politiskta stöd för skogsbruket.
Digital lösning
Start och slutår
- Metsähallitus
Hemsida (huvudsida)
Datum för inlägg
fredag, 17 december, 2021 - 12:47
Projekt som detta factsheet skapats inom
Rosewood 4.0