La forêt bouge | The forest is moving

La forêt bouge | The forest is moving

La forêt bouge
The platform "La forêt bouge" was created by CNPF to help forest owners know their forest better and be empowered in its management. The services that are proposed are free to use and allow better wood mobilization.

The aim of the project is to propose a simple tool, free to use, with adapted services for the novice forest owners and allow the mobilization of wood from small private forests. Professionals in the forest and wood sector will also be able to access this tool in order to find information on the legislation and manage forest worksites by completing online procedures. The tool is used to facilitate forest management between forest owners and enterprises. Owners can locate their forest plots on an online map with a cadastre and then describe their stand using a question and answer system. They can also contact neighbouring owners using a form. An owner can request a quote online for forestry work from information on their stands. Professionals have the possibility to carry out their administrative procedures online. The owner follows the progress of his forest worksite on the platform. The module for estimating wood prices has an educational purpose in order to explain price formation. Finally it is possible to access a directory of professionals and publish an ad to sell or buy plots. All these services are on a national scale, but specific and regional information is provided to the forest owner. At the end of 2020, more than 3300 accounts had been created.

Huvud domän
Ägarskap, samarbete
private owners platform tool management
Utmaning som adresseras
3. Aktivera privata ägare och kooperativ skogsförvaltning
Type av lösning
Rådgivning og serviceverktyg för skogsägare
Digital lösning
Start och slutår
2018 -
Kontakt informasion
Ägare eller författare
Grégoire Gonthier
Henri Husson
References and Resources
Projekt som detta factsheet skapats inom
Rosewood 4.0