Virtual Forest 2.0

Virtual Forest 2.0

Virtuaalimetsä 2.0
Virtual forest is an application, which can be used in participatory planning of land use, guidance of forest owners and for combining interests of different stakeholder groups concerning utilization of natural resources and areas.

Virtual forest 2.0 is a research and development project that has developed a digital application to enable the visualization of forest resources and spatial data in 3D. A virtual forest is software that can be utilized in participatory land use planning, advising forest owners, and taking into account the goals of user and interest groups in the areas.The virtual forest can be used to increase citizens' understanding of different forest management options and to illustrate the landscape effects of a forest plan. The virtual forest can be used to visualize the holdings of any forest owner, and the application is compatible with various information systems in the forest industry.The virtual forest 2.0 uses open QGIS geographic information system to generate changes in forest patterns or tree data, habitat data and terrain data in a virtual 3D-visualization.  The free downloadable Virtual Forest 2.0 application was released in October 2020.

Potencial za mobilizacijo
Vrsta obravnavanega lesa
Woodlands and forests
Vpliv na okolje in biodiverziteto
High, since the results of forestry operations can be demonstrated in the 3D forest enviroment
Enostavnost izvedbe
Requires IT skills
Gospodarski vpliv
Vpliv na delovna mesta
Vpliv na prihodke
Potrebno specifično znanje
Comprehensive database, coding skills, understanding of forestry processes.
Glavna domena
Inventura, ocena, monitoring
Lastništvo, sodelovanje
Ključne besede
virtual; application; visualization
3. Aktivacija zasebnih lastnikov in skupno upravljanje gozdov
Tip rešitve
Modeliranje, DSS, simulacija, optimizacija
Digitalne rešitve
Izvorna država
Obseg uporabe
Začetno in končno leto
2018 - 2020
Kontaktn podatki
Lastnik oz. avtor
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Markus Korhonen
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Merja Laajanen
References and Resources
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