Wood is beautiful - Action plan for the forest-wood chain in Slovenia by 2020

Wood is beautiful - Action plan for the forest-wood chain in Slovenia by 2020


Action plan “Wood is beautiful” is an operational document for increasing the competitiveness of the entire forest-wood value chain. The document defines wood as a strategic raw material of Slovenia, which has a lot of unexploited potential. The action plan sets out the objectives, measures, indicators and deadlines for intensifying forest management and for the revitalization and development of wood processing and the energy use of its residues. Due to the interdependence between all individual areas, all the measures foreseen should be implemented. This way the document can contribute to the competitiveness of the entire forest-wood chain, job creation and high added value in the Slovenian wood processing industry. Key objectives of the action plan are to create a market for timber products and services, to increase forest management and conservation in line with forest management plans, to increase the amount and processing of timber at higher levels of difficulty with new technologies, to create new jobs and growth in added value per employee in the wood processing industry. The action plan again places Slovene wood processing industry among strategically important and promising industries with a sufficient amount of domestic raw material.

Tip lesa
Okrogli les
Izvor lesa
Potencial za mobilizacijo
5,5 mio m3
Vrsta obravnavanega lesa
Stemwood / Woody biomass / Waste wood / Recycled wood
Very positive
Vpliv na okolje in biodiverziteto

Positive on biodiversity and forest resilience enhancement

Enostavnost izvedbe
Gospodarski vpliv
Enhancement of regionally added value / more efficient working processes /active learning / increase of wood processing / increase of felling / new technologies
Vpliv na delovna mesta
Better qualified staff / more new job roles
Vpliv na prihodke
Positive / more efficient working processes / cost reduction possibility identification
Potrebno specifično znanje
Forest - wood value chain
Ključni predpogoji

Support on a governmental level / inclusion of all important stakeholders

Glavna domena
Gojenje gozdov, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, odpornost, ekosistemske storitve
Inovativno upravljanje, digitalna vozlišča, grozdi
Digitalne rešitve
Izvorna država
Obseg uporabe
Začetno in končno leto
2020 -
Kontaktn podatki
Lastnik oz. avtor
References and Resources
Projekt, v okviru katerega so bili zbrani osnovni podatki