Think Wood | Info campaign of the Norwegian forest sector

Think Wood | Info campaign of the Norwegian forest sector

Tenk Tre
Think Woods purpose is to show how forests and trees can contribute in the fight against climate changes.

Never has the world had greater need for sustainable solutions. Think wood is an industry initiative from several companies and organizations within the Norwegian forest and wood industry. Together, we want to show how forests and trees can contribute in the fight against climate changes. Since its inception in 2019, the project has developed a number of articles and films, which easily and engagingly show what kind of products can be made of wood. Everything that is currently made of oil can in principle also be made of wood – and that with far lower emissions. The overall goal of the initiative is to show people why forests and wood are an important part of the climate solution. If we are going to achieve the UN’s sustainable climate goals, consumers, businesses, and politicians must actively choose renewable resources, such as wood, over non-renewable resources like petroleum and coal. Wood is the future. Not only as a resource, but as a green job creator all over Norway.

Glavna domena
Ključne besede
Information Education climat change
1. Izboljšava odpornosti gozdov in prilagoditev na klimatske spremembe
Digitalne rešitve
Izvorna država
Obseg uporabe
Začetno in končno leto
2019 -
Kontaktn podatki
Lastnik oz. avtor
Øyvind Wang
Tretorget Ltd
Ola Rostad
References and Resources
Projekt, v okviru katerega so bili zbrani osnovni podatki
Rosewood 4.0