Forest Sharing

Forest Sharing


Forest Sharing (FS) aims to enhance the forest heritage through the creation of an innovative platform, able to facilitate the meeting between players in the forest sector, planning an ethical and sustainable forest management. This service is mainly proposed for abandoned or unmanaged ownships, re-launching integrated management in order to obtain an environmental and economic benefit, thanks to the use of innovative technological tools.

We made several public test in not “forest” conventional places, such as shopping center and exhibitions, and we met there forest owners that have decided to subscribe the application to enter in FS.
These tests were important to validate the service and the idea behind FS. It is necessary to organize a system that allows managing multiple properties together, and reducing the time spent by the owner, for each step of the supply chain.

The first results underline how people are interest in this new approach, especially those that have a forest proprieties that at the moment are not-manage. FS have start to create a networking between all the different actors in forest sectors. Forest Sharing platform have networking different owners and more than 1000 hectares of forests are in connection. Thanks to FS now forest owners are associate and in the last month they apply for founding. Some of the proprieties and forest managers had benefit from the application of technologies tools implemented by FS. Through the social networks FS have obtained a wide interest of owners, forest technician and forest companies working in logging and no logging activities.

Izvorna regija
Tip lesa
Okrogli les
Izvor lesa
Rušitvena dela
Potencial za mobilizacijo
120.000 cubic meters
Vrsta obravnavanega lesa
Steamwood, biomass
Improve ecosystem service (water cycle, fire prevention, slides protection)
Vpliv na okolje in biodiverziteto

High, due to the sustainability approach

Enostavnost izvedbe
Low, without the availability of the developing platform
Gospodarski vpliv
High, enhance underused heritage
Vpliv na delovna mesta
Good, increase employs in the forest chain
Vpliv na prihodke
the owners receive an income from a forgotten resource
Potrebno specifično znanje
Share Economy
Ključni predpogoji

Market and customer analysis

Glavna domena
Gojenje gozdov, gospodarjenje z gozdovi, odpornost, ekosistemske storitve
Digitalne rešitve
Izvorna država
Izvorna regija
Obseg uporabe
Začetno in končno leto
2018 - 2018
Kontaktn podatki
Lastnik oz. avtor
References and Resources
Projekt, v okviru katerega so bili zbrani osnovni podatki