Earth observation based service supporting local administration in non-state forest management

Earth observation based service supporting local administration in non-state forest management SAT4EST

[PL] System wspierający lokalną administrację w zarządzaniu lasami niepaństwowymi
An R&D project aimed at developing a simple, intuitive and cost-effective web-based service to support forest management supervision, integrating remote sensing satellite data with data acquired from other sources.

The system consists of four components:

  • remote sensing data - quick access to current and historical data, enabling the user to compare satellite images from different periods;
  • complementary data - cadastral data and detailed forest inventory data from management plans (FMP);
  • remote sensing data products - geometric layers resulting from the processing of satellite images, showing the condition and health status of vegetation and forests;
  • geospatial analyses - juxtaposition of remote sensing data products with cadastral data and detailed forest inventory data, enabling to identify inconsistencies between the actual state of the forest and the state recorded in databases, as well as recent changes.

The entire solution is based on an intuitive map portal for users, which is used to generate various types of maps, including maps of forests and tree cover, forest changes, maps of forest types, maps of forest condition, maps of crown density, maps of aboveground forest biomass and the extent of stand damage due to windstorms, fires, floods and insect infestations. Users of the system have access to current and archival satellite images, and they can compare different types of maps with complementary data as well as upload their own data sets.

Domeniu 1 (principal)
Inventariere, evaluare, monitorizare
Managementul pădurilor, silvicultura, servicii ecosistemice, reziliență
Cuvinte cheie
forest management plan; monitoring; web app
Provocare abordată
2. Îmbunătățirea infrastructurilor și a capacității actorilor publici
Tip de soluție
Instrumente de consiliere și servicii pentru proprietarii de păduri
Soluție digitală
Țara de origine
Scara de aplicare
Regional/ sub-național
Anul de început și de sfârșit
Date de contact
Proprietar sau autor
Łukasiewicz Research Network - Wood Technology Institute (ITD)
Dobrochna Augustyniak-Wysocka
References and Resources
Referință proiect
Earth observation based service supporting local administration in non-state forest management (SAT4EST), funded by European Space Agency (ESA) through the Polish Incentive Scheme Programme
Proiectul în cadrul căruia a fost creată această fișă informativă
Rosewood 4.0