KomSilva | Communication assistance and public relations in forestry

KomSilva | Communication assistance and public relations in forestry


In KomSilva, tools for a goal-oriented and efficient discourse with forest owners are being developed. Target groups are stakeholders and organizations who activate and address forest owners. Mostly forestry associations should profit from the project, but also service providers and other stakeholders. Communication with forest owners is a key asset towards mobilization. Existing instruments are being adjusted and new tools like online-training, online-consulting concepts and social media strategies for consulting and communication are being created and already successfully tested.

Existing instruments for approaching forest owners and communicate with them are being investigated and evaluated according to their effectiveness. Thereby, a collaborative approach is being pursued. It comprises an advisory committee with experts from practice and an active involvement via interviews, a large-scale online-survey and workshops. Experiences in activating forest owners and in public relations are being collected and practicable factors of success are being identified. Arguments for the activation of forest owners are being developed to sensitize forestry associations also for the new task fields.

Tipul de lemn
Lemn masiv
Sursa de lemn
Potențialul de mobilizare
Estimated 1 - 3 m³/ha
Tipul de lemn în cauză
All assortments
Potențial de sustenabilitate
Impactul asupra mediului și biodiversității

Positive / Depending on management decisions

Facilitatea de implementare
Impact economic
More wood available
Efect asupra locurilor de muncă
More forest thinnings and harvesting
Efect asupra veniturilor
Cunoștințe specifice necesare
Condiții cheie prealabile

Depending on regional forest laws

Domeniu 1 (principal)
Educație și training
Managementul inovației, hub-uri digitale, clustere, exploatare (transversală)
Provocare abordată
7. Creșterea gradului de conștientizare a publicului, a acceptării sociale și a sprijinului politic pentru silvicultură
Soluție digitală
Țara de origine
Scara de aplicare
Anul de început și de sfârșit
2017 - 2020
Date de contact
Proprietar sau autor
Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e.V.
References and Resources
KomSilva Guidebook (Leitfaden - in German)
KomSilva YouTube channel
Proiectul în cadrul căruia a fost creată această fișă informativă
Rosewood 4.0