CFLogistics (LogForce) | Planning tool for forestry contractors

CFLogistics (LogForce) | Planning tool for forestry contractors

CFLogistics (LogForce) is used by both forest companies and contractors. The planner can ensure that requested amounts of wood are transported to the delivery destinations. Also, the driver has real-time information on what is supposed to be delivered from where and to where.

CFLogistics (LogForce) is a software service for forestry related transport that streamlines the business for both the haulage contractor and the forestry company. CFLogistics software covers all the planning and vehicle software needed by a haulage contractor. With the help of the CFLogistics service, a transport company can offer its services to several forestry companies using one information system. The forestry company can focus on managing delivery volumes and optimising stock turnover. With the CFLogistics software service, the haulage contractor can plan and manage the transport of logs, forest energy, chips and other by-products of the forest industry from the starting depot to the location of use.

Advantages for transport companies:

  • Higher utilisation rate of the transportation equipment
  • Ability to work for different forestry companies using just one application
  • More flexible transport planning
  • Forestry companys advantages:
  • Focus on managing delivery volumes
  • Better stock turnover
  • Cost-efficient logistics
Tipul de lemn
Lemn masiv
Sursa de lemn
Potențialul de mobilizare
Not possible to assess
Tipul de lemn în cauză
Potențial de sustenabilitate
Impactul asupra mediului și biodiversității


Facilitatea de implementare
Impact economic
Positive / more efficient working processes
Efect asupra locurilor de muncă
Efect asupra veniturilor
Cunoștințe specifice necesare
IT-tool application knowledge is needed
Condiții cheie prealabile

Good communication is needed with all stakeholders

Domeniu 1 (principal)
Recoltare, infrastructură, logistică
Provocare abordată
5. Îmbunătățirea performanțelor economice și de mediu ale lanțurilor de aprovizionare cu păduri
Tip de soluție
Platforme de colaborare, hub-uri logistice
Soluție digitală
Țara de origine
Scara de aplicare
Anul de început și de sfârșit
Date de contact
Proprietar sau autor
References and Resources
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