Together for the Forests

Together for the Forests

Juntos por los Bosques
The platform 'Juntos por los Bosques' (Together for the Forests) is an entity created in July 2016 that represents more than 100 institutions of the Spanish forestry sector for its activation.
Juntos por los Bosques
Juntos por los Bosques - International Day of Forests 2021

'Juntos por los Bosques' (Together for the Forests) is a non-profit platform formed by more than 100 Spanish forestry entities have come together to develop a vision of what their forests mean, of the wealth that in many ways they can contribute to society and to define proposals for primary action to be sent to all political formations with parliamentary representation and to the Government, among others. Since its creation in 2016 'Juntos por los Bosques', with the impulse of COIM (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes, Official Professional Association of Forestry Engineers) has met with political representatives of the Government and political parties.

'Juntos por los Bosques' aims to strengthen the social architecture of the sector to unite its voice towards the public authorities and society as a whole. The long-term nature of forest management makes it easier to identify common objectives, including raising the level of social debate and building broad consensus and complicity. For the first time it has been possible to bring together practically the whole of the country's forestry civil society, from private and municipal property, which accounts for 95% of the forest territory, to service companies, wood, paper, cork, resin, biomass and other forest products industries, certification, professional organizations, academia, cultural entities, research and forestry training centres, among others.

Some of the achievements are the broad consensus in the rapid constitution of the National Forestry Council or the Proposition Not of Law on a Forestry Fund financed by a tax on hydrocarbons and water consumption, approved in March 2017 in the Congress of Deputies without any vote against, are, although modest, important achievements obtained by our collective commitment. Work continues to achieve a green taxation that recognizes the peculiarities of the forestry sector such as the long term, high risks and environmental services and identifying it as a key tool for the revitalization of less favoured rural areas, and the recent inclusion of forest management in the Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition.

Juntos por los Bosques. Logo
Dominio principal
Regime de propriedade, cooperação
forest cluster society platform
Desafiar adressed
7. Aumentar a consciência pública, a aceitação social e o apoio político à silvicultura
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Ano de início e fim
2016 -
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
Ángela García
References and Resources
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood 4.0