Website of the special purpose state hunting grounds

Website of the special purpose state hunting grounds LPN

Spletna stran lovišč s posebnim pomenom

LPNs have been established for the protection of rare, endangered species of game and wildlife species, and their habitats, for the purpose of implementation of a number of public functions and scientific research in the field of management of game and certain of the protected wildlife species, and their habitats. LPN‘s mission is being realized with a natural and sustainable management of game and their habitats. An important part of our vision is the development and expansion of knowledge about the game and other wildlife. New knowledge is obtained within a number of research projects and by monitoring of wildlife. Knowledge about the management of game and wildlife is expanding through cooperation with domestic and foreign educational institutions.
Dominio principal
Gestão florestal, silvicultura, serviços do ecosistema, resiliencia
Educação e formação
Tipo de solução
Plataformas de dados, centros de dados, partilha de dados
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Ano de início e fim
2017 -
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
Slovenia Forest Service
Janko Mehle
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Andreja Vedenik
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada
Rosewood 4.0