Natural and financial indicators for the consultation of private and communal forest owners

Natural and financial indicators for the consultation of private and communal forest owners


The basic idea is the processing of natural and financial data for typical forest stands and selected forest treatment alternatives after previous simulation calculations. Thereby, the question initially was limited to the depiction of the alternatives “thinning” or “without thinning”.

This prototype can be complemented with additional indicators; other areas and forest treatment strategies and therefore more data should be added and furthermore more risk integration has to be done

The sorted single tree data then were condensed to coefficients via MS Access queries. The coefficients contain information about the arising amounts of wood of the simulated treatments or rather the timber stock of the remaining stands – sorted into sorts of wood and simulation period. After feeding the data to the consultation support system, a connection to current prices for timber and timber harvesting costs was established. Based on the data from the second National Forest Inventory, the stratification of the area of the Bavarian “Tertiäres Hügelland” and the compilation of simulation stocks was carried out. Using the forest growth simulator Silva 2.2, the simulation stocks were updated once without treatment and once updated according to a thinning scheme. In the next step, the results of the simulation runs (single tree data for the remaining and the outgoing stock) were sorted according to regional sorting criteria using the sorting program BDat 2.0.

Região de origem
Tipo de madeira
Origem da madeira
Potencial de mobilização
Area affected is small but information about advantages of thinnings regarding risks can contribute on a wider level (estimated more than 1 m3/ha)
Tipo de madeira em causa
Sustentabilidade potencial
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

Positive on biodiversity and forest resilience enhancement

Facilidade de implementação
Difficult as an expert tool
Impacte economico
An active learning of different silvicultural approaches for forest owners can be achieved. But cost effects are hardly to describe.
Impacte no emprego
Better qualified staff through verification and discussion possibilities
Impacte nas receitas
Positive / more efficient working processes / cost reduction possibility identification
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
The system is depending on complex program Silva 2.2 – forest experts of TUM have to be included
Pre-requisitos chave

Just In cooperation with TUM possible

Dominio principal
Gestão florestal, silvicultura, serviços do ecosistema, resiliencia
Tipo de solução
Modelação, sistemas de apoio à decisão, simulaçã, optimização
Solução digital
País de origem
Região de origem
Escala de aplicação
Regional/ sub-nacional
Ano de início e fim
2009 - 2009
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
References and Resources
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada