Life Forest CO2

Life Forest CO2


The European Life Forest CO2 project aims to promote carbon compensation projects in forests as a tool to mitigate the carbon footprint of companies or public authorities.
A company wishing to compensate its CO2 emissions can finance a project to improve carbon sequestration in the forest through 3 types of operation: planting in an area under agricultural decline, restoring a dying or damaged stand or improving an existing stand by thinning.
The CNPF connects forest owners who wish to carry out forest operation with companies wishing to finance forestry projects. CNPF calculates the accumulated carbon gain over a certain project period.

The owners are the only ones to bear the extra costs of forestry operations that improve atmospheric carbon sequestration and thus limit global warming.
To develop this new means of helping reforestation or afforestation, it is essential to make companies aware of the role of the forest.

The company subsidises part of the work, the rest being borne by the owner. In Nouvelle Aquitaine, as part of Life Forest CO2, a project was carried out in Dordogne on an area of 1 ha between a private forest owner and a public hospital establishment.
Europe gives grants to the CNPF for the work of establishing contacts and drafting carbon contracts in France.

Tipo de madeira
Origem da madeira
Potencial de mobilização
Tipo de madeira em causa
Stemwood, woody biomass
Sustentabilidade potencial
project integrated into a sustainable management document
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

exploitation only in dying or damaged stand
planted species adapted to the ground, and climate change

Facilidade de implementação
Impacte economico
New aids for foresters
Impacte no emprego
Impacte nas receitas
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
calculation of the amount of carbon sequestered
Pre-requisitos chave


Dominio principal
Gestão florestal, silvicultura, serviços do ecosistema, resiliencia
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Além fronteiras/ multilateral
Ano de início e fim
2016 -
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
References and Resources
Projeto no âmbito do qual a folha de divulgação foi criada