Assessment method for energy wood biomass feedstock availability and transport costs at regional level

Assessment method for energy wood biomass feedstock availability and transport costs at regional level


Spatially explicit GIS-method and a collection of tools to assess the energy wood biomass availability and transport costs at regional level to any given end-use location. In the process the technical harvesting biomass potential, local competing demand and the wood resource balance are assessed. The transport costs from the grid of supply points can be viewed as a function of transport distance. Also, different future growth and demand scenarios can be included into calculations thus providing a valuable decision support to investors of energy wood industry.

Most customer projects differ from every other project in some respect. Calculation methods need more or less adjustment.

Results from the analysis: 1. Numerical (GIS) maps of biomass potential for any given timber assortment, biomass demand and wood resource balance (e.g. balance of small trees, see picture above).
2. Graphs depicting transport costs as a function of distance. 3. Spreadsheets of the result data used for graphs. 4. Summary report of the results for the customers.

For more information, see the reference.

Tipo de madeira
Origem da madeira
Potencial de mobilização
Not possible to assess.
Tipo de madeira em causa
Above and below ground woody biomass (ex. shrubs, wood for fibres, wood for energy), Stemwood, Industry
Sustentabilidade potencial
Medium (Maximum technical harvesting potentials comply with the sustainable energy wood strategy set by the Finnish government)
Impacte no ambiente e biodiversidade

Medium (see above)

Facilidade de implementação
Easy (the assessment is done by research experts, customers only need to define the basic requirements and calculation area)
Impacte economico
Positive, helps the customers to plan their business in a more detailed way
Impacte no emprego
Positive, helps the customers to plan their business in a more detailed way
Impacte nas receitas
Not possible to assess.
Conhecimentos especificos necessários
Comprehensive database, coding
Pre-requisitos chave

Available on request for the customers in Finland only at the moment.

Dominio principal
Gestão florestal, silvicultura, serviços do ecosistema, resiliencia
Cortes, infraestruturas e logistica
Desafiar adressed
5. Melhorar o desempenho económico e ambiental das cadeias de abastecimento florestal
Tipo de solução
Modelação, sistemas de apoio à decisão, simulaçã, optimização
Solução digital
País de origem
Escala de aplicação
Ano de início e fim
2016 -
Dados de contacto
Proprietário ou autor
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Perttu Anttila
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Vesa Nivala
References and Resources
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