Protection of forest against bark beetle

Protection of forest against bark beetle

Varstvo gozdov pred podlubniki
The website provides information on outbreaks of bark beetles: structure of sanitary felling due to insects by areas, signs of an attack, setting traps, gradations of beetles, and an interactive map of control sample traps.

The main purpose of the Forest Protection against beetles is informing and educating. It covers various aspects of beetle attacks. Provides information on the past course of gradations, sanitary felling in predictive models for the future. The site reminds forest owners about timing of sanitary felling due to bark beetle in view of the development cycle. Informs about legal framework relating to bark beetle attacks. It contains interactive maps of beetle attacks at the state level, educational materials on important attacks of beetles, expert recommendations for setting and cleaning control traps in forest wood assortment warehouses, organization for beetle control, instructions for using phytopharmaceuticals for beetle control, naming of beetles for the past period in the analyzed development of European spruce bark beetle.

Główna kategoria
Zaburzenia ekosystemów leśnych, ryzyka, reagowanie na klęski i katastrofy
Rodzaj rozwiązania
Usługi doradcze i narzędzia dla właścicieli lasów
Rozwiązanie cyfrowe
Kraj pochodzenia
Skala aplikacji
Rok rozpoczęcia i zakończenia
Dane kontaktowe
Właściciel lub twórca
Slovenia Forest Service
Osoba przygotowująca fiszkę
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Andreja Vedenik
Źródła i materiały
Projekt, w ramach którego stworzona została niniejsza fiszka
Rosewood 4.0