
WoodChainManager WCM

Info platform with decision supporting tools.

Forestry as one of the economic sectors incorporates several links in the complex forestry wood chain. From the technological point of view, the forestry links of the FWC are formed by a series of production processes, with which natural forest resources are converted into products and services. In the selection of separate machines and connection of individual links into series of production chains, the question of costs is certainly an important issue. Material costs of individual machines and the mandatory or optional accessories or attachments are key to the optimization of individual series of production processes. The application enables a simple selection of a technological model for the production of roundwood as well as green chips. With the selection of machines and their mandatory or optional accessories or attachments along the entire chain from the felling area to the final user, the costs are stipulated as well. Visualization of technological components along the forestry wood chains and presentation of costs enable optimization and easier understanding of otherwise very complex chains.

Główna kategoria
Pozyskanie, infrastruktura, logistyka
Słowa kluczowe
forestry wood chain optimization production processes
3. Aktywizacja prywatnych właścicieli lasu i kooperacyjne zarządzanie lasami
Rodzaj rozwiązania
Usługi doradcze i narzędzia dla właścicieli lasów
Rozwiązanie cyfrowe
Kraj pochodzenia
Skala aplikacji
Rok rozpoczęcia i zakończenia
Dane kontaktowe
Właściciel lub twórca
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Osoba przygotowująca fiszkę
Slovenian Forestry Institute
Polona Hafner
Źródła i materiały
Projekt, w ramach którego stworzona została niniejsza fiszka
Rosewood 4.0