Public data of forests

Public data of forests

Public data of forest in the form of application, contains overview of data about state and privately owned forests.
Public data of forests - application

Croatian Forests Ltd is national company which manage public forests and forest land in Croatia. The company developed application which contains vector data for all 16 forest administrations of Croatian Forests. Also, the application contains information about private forests which have approved management program.

Application in cartographic form presents information in textual and tabular views, as well as spatial illustration of tree species in specific forest or area. Also, application shows two parametars for every tree specie: the total volume of timber and annual growth. Vector data about borders of management areas (forest administrations, forests units, economic units, etc.) for state and private forests are shown in the form of Google Maps basis.

Except basic information on forest administrations and units, commission minutes and approvements of the management basis for economic unit and recapitulations of forms  showing wood mass and increments of tree species, are available.

Application is an innovative solution which provides an overview and information about state and private forests in one place.

Innovative solution is free for public use and available online.

Opprinnelse for tre
Undervisning og kurs
Public data forest management.
Utfordring adressert
2. Forbedre infrastruktur og kapasitet for offentlige aktører
Type løsning
Data plattformer og tilsvarende
Digital løsning
Start og slutt år
2013 -
Kontakt informasjon
eier eller forfatter
Croatian Forests Ltd
Competence Centre Ltd. for research and development
Phd Ivan Ambroš
References and Resources
Prosjekt som dette faktaarket er opprettet under
Rosewood 4.0