Ash as construction material in forest road maintenance

Ash as construction material in forest road maintenance


The ashes can be used in a road building among gravel. The use of ash from neighboring heat plants reduces the use of natural aggregates. The use of ash in the construction of the road has been limited, as it is currently subject to environmental permits.
In the forest and energy industries, burning wood produces a lot of ash, which is placed in landfills. The forest industry alone generates more than 300 000 tonnes of exploeable ash every year. The increase in wood energy increases the amount of ash even further. Current measures to benefit from the use of ash do not correspond to the principles of sustainable consumption and production. It would be essential to influence the legislation in order to ease the utilization of ash. It is important to perform carrying capacity measurements and research and test different mixtures of gravel and ash. The environmental issues need to be surveyed.

In Finland there are 135 000 km of forest roads where maintenance is necessary for wood procurement. According to the National Forest Programme 2015, forest car roads should be upgraded to 4 000 km annually. In the construction of roads, cost-effectiveness is most essential. The biggest challenge in most cases is the availability of affordable gravel or crushing near the forest road project. Utilization of ash as material for road construction and maintenance has produced excellent results in terms of both the technical suitability and the environmental impact.

Type tre
Tre fra rundtvirke
Opprinnelse for tre
Not possibile to assess
Type tre involvert
Stemwood, energy wood
Påvirkning på miljø og biologisk mangfold

Positive: less waste from production side streams

Enkel implementering
Økonomisk påvirkning
Effekt på arbeidsplasser
New business from utilization of side streams and waste
Spesifikke kunnskapsbehov
Knowledge, research and testing of special mixtures
Viktige forutsetninger

Information about side streams from mines and forest industry
Information about usability of side streams in road infrastructure

Avvirkning, infrastruktur, logistikk
Skogindustri, bio/sirkulær økonomi
Industri for skogbasert bioenergi
Utfordring adressert
2. Forbedre infrastruktur og kapasitet for offentlige aktører
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eier eller forfatter
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