Forest innovation hubs knowledge plattform

Total Results: 325
5. Migliorare le prestazioni economiche e ambientali delle filiere forestali
The OG-FOR.TRACK project developed a modular Decision Support System to simplify Precision Forestry practices, transferring research-based methods to forestry companies using GIS, remote sensing, spatial modeling, and algorithms integrated into Decision Support Systems.
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
2. Migliorare le infrastrutture e le capacità degli attori pubblici
In the context of the GO-SURF project, an algorithm has been developed to link the forest road network, slope data, and distance from the roads to create maps assessing the accessibility of each forest parcel.
Inventory, monitoring
Harvesting, infrastructure, logistics
6. Far crescere bioeconomia foresta a base attraverso l'uso circolare e prodotti a valore aggiunto
“Bâtiment Bois de Normandie” (Wood construction in Normandy) seeks to develop a prefabricated modular construction system based on hardwood from Normandy, enabling the construction of houses, collective housing and public buildings
Wood construction industry
5. Migliorare le prestazioni economiche e ambientali delle filiere forestali
The Do.Na.To project tested a rapid method for analysing Douglas fir roundwood in order to classify its timber for structural uses, in order to create the conditions for a more profitable use of Douglas fir in Italy.
Wood construction industry
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
5. Migliorare le prestazioni economiche e ambientali delle filiere forestali
Development of methodologies to enable companies to identify areas of higher value.
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
5. Migliorare le prestazioni economiche e ambientali delle filiere forestali
For the first time, structural grading tools for Spanish beech wood have been developed. Both visual and mechanical grading methods will enable its use in structural products like beams, pillars, and glued laminated timber.
Wood construction industry
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
5. Migliorare le prestazioni economiche e ambientali delle filiere forestali
A new LVL product using Spanish beech veneer has been developed, aiming to enhance the beech wood value chain. Tests show improved bending strength and stiffness compared to sawn timber, confirming the material's suitability.
Wood construction industry
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
5. Migliorare le prestazioni economiche e ambientali delle filiere forestali
For the first time in Spain, mechanical grading tools for maritime pine wood have been developed, enabling classification into C24 and C18 classes. These tools improve classification speed and accuracy.
Wood construction industry
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
8. Altro
SYLV'ÉCLAIR and its database, developed as part of the OG SPNA project, are designed to collect data from stands composed mainly of maritime pines and to provide tailored advice for these stands.
Inventory, monitoring
Modelling, simulation, optimization
Digital solution