Arboair | High precision imagery for bark beetle detection

Arboair | High precision imagery for bark beetle detection

Arboair AB
Precision forestry service that with the help of RGB and multispectral images from drones, airplanes, helicopters or satellites can detect bark beetle infected or stressed trees.
Arboair forest aerial view

Today, the technology for identifying bark beetle attacks in the forest is largely based on manual work through visual checks of forest areas, where early attacks are almost impossible to see, while old attacks are easier to detect. Attempts have been made to identify damage attacks using satellite radar maps which give a good indication and can be seen as a complementing part to our precision analysis. Arboair Forest Mapper is a service where you analyze your images via our AI. Our model is trained on over 200 000 trees and it is verified by forest managers.

Arboair logo
Inventario, evaluación, seguimiento
Perturbaciones forestales, riesgos, respuesta a desastres
Investigación y desarrollo
Palabras clave
Bark beetle; detection; drones; AI
Reto abordado
1. Mejorar la resistencia y la adaptación de los bosques al cambio climático
Tipo de solución
Sensores, equipos de medición
Solución digital
País de origen
Escala de aplicación
Año de inicio y fin
Datos de contacto
Propietario o autor
Paper Province
Marcus Drugge
Paper Province
Gunnar Hellerström
References and Resources
Proyecto bajo el que se ha creado esta ficha
Rosewood 4.0