Supply chain for green wastes

Supply chain for green wastes aGROWchain

Establish a supply chain for green wastes, combined with the relevant business model, which will secure its sustainability. The supply chain will be customized according to the wastes that are available from both sides of the border and the business model will be adapted to the specific local conditions

Agricultural residues such as straw, bank canes and trees pruning constitute a significant load of green waste in rural areas from both sides of the borders. Those wastes are poorly managed causing severe environmental impacts. At the same time local authorities use expensive fossil fuel for space heating of public buildings, and due to the current economic recession, very often the amount of heat generated cannot satisfy the real needs of the building users. The sustainable management of the green waste can offer a real solution in both of the above problems. There is available technology that can utilize agrowastes as fuel for space heating under the only condition that a reliable supply chain is established.

Scope of this project is to establish a supply chain for green wastes, combined with the relevant business model, which will secure its sustainability. The supply chain will be customized according to the wastes that are available from both sides of the border and the business model will be adapted to the specific local conditions. The supply chain will serve selected end users in each country, therefore its operability will be tested and possible problems and barriers will be resolved.

Inventory, monitoring
Logistics GIS training biomass
Type of solution
Collaboration platforms, logistical hubs
Digital solution
Scale of application
Cross-border/multi-lateral (several countries)
Start and end year
Contact data
Owner or author
Municipal District Heating Company of the Wider Region of Amyntaio
References and Resources
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood 4.0