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Pana Windows - Project of development energy efficient windows
The purpose of the project is to develop a new product by increasing private investment in research, development, innovation and strengthening the capacity of Pana WINDOWS d.o.o. for research, development and innovation through continuous collaboration with research institutions.
The project will procure equipment and services for conducting industrial research subject to effective collaboration and extensive knowledge dissemination and to hire professional staff.
Project contributes to the priority areas of the Smart Specialization Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2016-2020 in areas Food, Bioeconomy and Energy and Sustainable Environment. It is planned to be realized in cooperation with Euroinspekt-drvokontrola d.o.o. and implementation will help to achieve excellence in industrial research, development and innovation, commercialization of new products, revenue and export growth, which will have a positive impact on national economy.
Investment in research, development and innovation.