Mobile Timber Cruise (MOTI)

Mobile Timber Cruise (MOTI) MOTI

Forest stand inventory with the aid of the Smartphones capabilities (App). Easy, cheap and reliable tool for determining the most important dendrometer indicators (key figures of tree stands). Suitable for single tree measurement or stand inventories.
Forest stand inventory with the aid of the Smartphones capabilities (App). Easy, cheap and reliable tool for determining the most important dendrometer indicators (key figures of tree stands). Suitable for single tree measurement or stand inventories. Easy and fast implementation of forest inventories and single tree measurement.
Possible determination of the base area (m2/ha) with or without the distinction of different tree species. Trunk rate (#/ha), stand height (m/ha), reserve of rough wood (m3/ha). Smartphones can be used as a good referencing tool for forest inventories and forest operation planning. Many further application developments and integrations thinkable.
Inventory, monitoring
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Education and training
App; Inventory
Challenge addressed
2.- Improve infrastructures and capacity of public actors
Type of solution
Sensors, measurement equipment
Digital solution
Country of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
Contact data
Owner or author
BFH Berne University of Applied Sciences
Christian Rosset
BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences
Moritz Dreher
References and Resources
Project under which this factsheet has been created
Rosewood 4.0