Metsää | e-Services for Forest Owners and Service providers

Metsää | e-Services for Forest Owners and Service providers


Metsää provides eServices for forest owners and forestry service providers. The online application shows the maps, forest information and, silvicultural and cutting possibilities of each forest estate and their compartments:

  1. Soil and forest site type
  2. Growing stock
  3. Treatment proposals for a five-year period
  4. Natural values (habitats of special importance)
  5. Latest maps and aerial photographs with compartment borders
  6. Annual growth. 

Metsää also allows forest owners to apply for subsidies for improvement of young stands and declare notifications of forest use ( cuttings) by filling e-forms instead of paper ones. In addition, forest owners can contact forest service producers via the system. Metsää is quite easy to use and it provides the forest owner many new flexible services, e.g. e-forms for applying subsidies. It’s a safe system, although being a public one.  A strong identification of the user is needed, use of e-Identification is safe and provided by the state. e-Identification contains a list of the identification tokens for example using online banking codes, mobile certificate or certificate cards

The Finnish Forest Centre collects and maintains remote sensing based data of forest resources covering the private forests. Metsää is a free portal using that forest data for serving forest owners and forestry service providers. It has been found to encourage forest owners to carry out silvicultural works and generally for developing forest businesses. 

Metsää in numbers in early 2020: 13,5 million hectares of forest data in the service, 108 765 forest owners have visited the service, 942 service providers have joined the service, 2461 operators use the service, 8,4 million hectares available to operators, 537 706 consents available to operators.

Type of wood
Origin of wood
Mobilization Potential
Not possible to assess
Kind of wood concerned
Stemwood; Above and below ground woody biomass
Sustainability Potential
Very positive, shows the cutting possibilities and demand of silvicultural measures
Impact on environment & biodiversity

Very positive, shows the environmental values (habitats of special importance) in the compartments of the forest estate

Ease of implementation
Economic impact
Communication between forest owners and forestry service providers
Job effect
Positive, new jobs for service providers
Income effect
Positive, forest owners sell wood and services providers get income
Specific knowledge needed
Not any specific knowledge needed
Key prerequisites

Web page, see above

Ownership, cooperation
Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Challenge addressed
3.- Activate private owners and cooperative forest management
Type of solution
Advice and services for forest owners
Digital solution
Country of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
2012 -
Contact data
Owner or author
References and Resources
Project under which this factsheet has been created