Machinery ring Bled

Machinery ring Bled


Machinery ring is a social organization that offers support services for farmers and forest owners. It is a form of the use of machines between farms based on mutual neighborly assistance. Members of a machinery ring are owners of agricultural and/or forestry machinery and they can also provide services to other members at prices agreed. The machinery ring ensures coordination and dialogue between service providers and users.

Experience of the first years of operation show good results. The amount of work increases year by year. Forest owners are provided with a comprehensive service, from harvesting forest trees to selling timber, processing residues in wood chips and selling chips. They are able to achieve better prices at market. The machinery ring is a good and innovative example of linking forest owners, which by increasing efficiency and professionalism enables increased mobilization of wood from private forests, better silviculture of these forests and higher returns for individual owners.

Forest owners have access to high-quality hardware that cannot be afforded by individual owners. The machinery ring also provides expert advice and the purchase and sale of wood, including biomass for heating, and agricultural services. In the framework of the machinery ring, the training of owners for work in the forest and professional excursions are organized in cooperation with the Forest Service. The members also receive various discounts when purchasing forestry equipment. To make better use of machinery and work on a larger scale, they set up a limited liability company SK Servis, which deals with felling, harvesting and sale of wood, the production and sale of wood chips and the construction and maintenance of skid roads.

Region of origin
Type of wood
Origin of wood
Mobilization Potential
110.000 m3/year
Kind of wood concerned
Stemwood, waste wood
Sustainability Potential
Impact on environment & biodiversity

Enhancement of forest resilience

Ease of implementation
Economic impact
Enhancement of regionally added value / more efficient working processes /
Job effect
New employments / Better qualified staff
Income effect
More efficient working processes / Reduction of costs related to the machinery
Specific knowledge needed
Silviculture / wood market / Operation of thr machinery
Key prerequisites

High-quality hardware; reliability of the service; information on the prices of hiring the machinery, efficient coordination between service providers and users

Forest management, ecosystem, resilience
Forest-based bio/circular economy
Innovation management, hubs, clusters
Digital solution
Country of origin
Region of origin
Scale of application
Start and end year
2004 -
Contact data
Owner or author
References and Resources
Project under which this factsheet has been created